

Angola 3

Herman Bell denied parole -- again.

It's with great sadness that I report this bad news. It appears they plan to give all our political prisoners no way out. Because if anyone deserves to be paroled after 33 years, it's our dear comrade brother Herman. He has been one of the most productive role models insofar as developing his mind, body and spirit to continue to serve the people both inside and outside of prison. But of course he's exactly the kind of Black man the powers that be do NOT want in our communities.

We have to step up the struggle to free our political prisoners, domestically and internationally, and it must be in concert with a revitalized liberation movement.


A luta continua


Photos of Supporters at courthouse and
Robert King Birthday Party he turns 70


Photos from Albert Woodfox appeal trial

Albert Woodfox : Baton Rouge A3 court hearings

Angola 3: Albert Woodfox's Court Hearing Begins

Angola 3: Time for Justice is Now!
- May 29th Court Date for Albert Woodfox

June Update 2012 Part #1


Curtis and his wife Leslie.

40 years in prison for the Angola 3, Railroaded in 1972

Angola 3 update : April marks their 40th yr in Solitary Confinement


Dear Friends -
Attached is the Angola 3 end of year fundraising letter. It has lots of news about lots of people and issues and I hope you'll take the time to read it. A hard copy is en route to each of you as well. If you have anyone that you think would be interested in updates, we hope that you'll download and print or copy and print from the one I'm sending and send along to others. We had wonderful help from a few good people in making the letter look this good. If you have news we missed, please let me know and it will get in the next update.
Thanks, Marina

Photos from Angola 3 Play in New Orleans Sept 18th