From Tory Pegram, Campaign Coordinator

Good morning all,

A few updates to share.

Final Arguments for Bail Due by Nov 12th:
First from the legal team--the outstanding depositions are now complete and Judge Brady has asked both sides to submit final closing arguments to his court by next Wednesday, November 12th. Although we are never certain of timelines, it seems like this will be the last step before he deliberates and decides whether Albert will be released on bail. I will update you as developments become available.

Disturbing New Accusations By The State:

I'm deeply saddened to report that the State issued a statement this weekend promising that if Brady releases Albert on bail, they are prepared to file 6 new charges of aggravated rape, and 6 of armed robbery that they claim to have had in the files, but never yet prosecuted, from the mid 1960's.

This is the very first time that Albert or his attorneys have heard such accusations raised. In his now more than 40 years caught up in Louisiana's legal system, these accusations have somehow never emerged in any official form. He has never to date been tried, nor has he been convicted of such crimes. They do not exist on his rap sheet, nor within 4 decades of trial transcripts. Despite this fact, Attorney General Buddy Caldwell is now publicly characterizing him as "a serial rapist." Please read the Baton Rouge Advocate piece published Saturday and picked up in local papers throughout the state Sunday:

A group of local grassroots organizations and supporters has decided to call a press conference tomorrow in front of Jackie's Herman's House exhibit in New Orleans ( to defend Albert's name and I'm including their press release below. Organizations and individuals who want to be included in their effort should feel free to contact Parnell for more information.

The Coalition, along with the attorneys, will issue their own response perhaps as early as next week, or as soon as an appropriate legal strategy is decided upon and all the facts are gathered with regards to what information the State actually has. Albert is justifiably devastated by these recent accusations and wants all of his supporters to know that they are absolutely false, and he believes, only designed as a way to assassinate his character, and perhaps again delay his now imminent release.

As the world rejoices and welcomes signs of better days to come in America, this newest move by the State demonstrates that the struggle for racial equality is far from over. Please send letters of support to Albert and Herman in the coming days: They need to know that no matter what charges are levied against them, we will never stop believing in their innocence and dignity, nor fighting for their freedom, and the freedom of those similarly victimized by our failed criminal justice system in America.

Thanks to all of you, freedom is still around the corner for them, and hopefully for all of us. The truth will prevail, I'm sure of it.

peace, until soon,

Tory Pegram
Campaign Coordinator
International Coalition to Free the Angola 3

For Immediate Release: Wednesday November 5, 2008

Join Angola-3 supporters on Thursday November 6, 2008. 2:00PM at Contemporary Art Center 900 Camp St. as we demand the immediate release of Albert Woodfox and an end to the slander, harassment, persecution and character assassination of Mr. Woodfox.

Over thirty-six years ago Albert Woodfox was framed and convicted for a murder he did not commit. Mr. Woodfox was placed in solitary confinement where he remained over thirty-five years. Mr. Woodfox's false conviction has since, been overturned twice by a magistrate and a federal court judge.

Prison guard Brent Miller was murdered at former Angola Plantation (La. State Penitentiary) during a period in time when FBI leader J. Edgar Hoover stated, "The Black Panther Party, with out question, represents the greatest threat to the internal security of our country."

Through Counter Intelligence Program (Cointelpro) a federal campaign was designed to destroy the Black Panther Party by any means necessary.

Mr. Woodfox and three other organizers were framed for Mr. Miller's murder. Two of those cases were disposed of while Mr. Woodfox and his Black Panther comrade Herman Wallace were remanded to solitary confinement.

Two weeks after Officer Miller's death Black Panther Robert King was transferred to Angola . Mr. King was immediately placed in solitary confinement under investigation for Officer Miller's murder though Mr. King had literally been housed in another institution and had not yet been transferred to Angola .

La. State Persecutors are desperate. Their four decades of torture are about to end. Rather than acknowledge the misdeeds of their predecessors and apologize to Mr. Woodfox for the many years of wrongful-unjust torture, they have decided to slander Mr. Woodfox and fabricate a new set of charges against him. James D. "Buddy" Caldwell and his clan have declared a personal vendetta against Mr. Woodfox.

We are here to say to Mr. Caldwell: Enough is enough! Stop the Harassment! Stop the Slander! Stop the Lies and Free Albert Woodfox!!!

In attendance will be:
Jackie Sumell- Artist * Malik Rahim-Common Ground * Lawrence Martin-NOLA.TV * Ron Chisom- Peoples Institute for Survival And Beyond * Monika Gerhart- Amnesty International * * Parnell Herbert- Deputy Minister of Justice-Millions More Movement Houston TX . * Robert Horton-Critical Resistance * Black Men United for Change * Jordan Flaherty * European Dissent * Mwalimu Johnson * Pastor Torin Sanders

For additional information contact Parnell Herbert 832-630-8411

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

Free All Political Prisoners!