Message from Jackie Sumell: Herman goes to hospice

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Dear Friends and Supporters,

Yesterday we received the unfortunate news that Herman's chemo treatment has not prevented the progress of his disease. He has stopped taking the treatment and doctors have also recommended that he go on hospice.

The loudness of this tragedy will make it difficult for those of us who support Herman to see the subtleties of beauty present in the coming weeks. To assuage this pain I remind all of you to return to Herman's mission in life, which is ultimately to sacrifice and serve those who need it most. As someone who lost their mother to the confounding process of cancer, i have no doubt that this will be the most difficult time of Herman's already impossible life. Please continue to keep him, (and as he would ask) his supporters, in your thoughts, prayers, and songs.

At this time I ask you to please empty your thoughts of anger and rage to make space for compassion and love, not only for Herman but for the thousands of people he has affected in his lifetime, most especially his closest comrade Albert Woodfox- who remains in solitary confinement to this day. Herman would ask that you not be quieted by news of this tragedy, but use its momentum to move towards the things that frighten you most, the things you have been avoiding, or towards the populations who may need you most. Please use this news as a reminder that ALL people deserve dignity, and to reinforce your commitment to the collective process of insuring it. For those of us who have loved Herman infinitely, we ask you to stay committed, present, and grateful for the preciousness of life you have been given. I personally ask you to use this news to strengthen your commitment to justice and your commitment to ending the egregious use of solitary confinement. I will update you as I know more.

We are together in struggle and love.
All Power to the People.

Jackie Sumell

Herman's House

"The deeper they bury me the louder my voice becomes."
-Herman Wallace

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