

Walter Turner, looses his only child, Sekou

-- Lisa

Comrades, I have terrible news.

Our brother and comrade, Walter Turner, lost his only child, Sekou, last night. Sekou had recently become a fireman and he died while trying to resuscitate a patient. He was 28 yrs old.

Walter was not officially a party member but functioned with the comrades out of the West Berkeley office, and for that he is family. Please note that his son died in the act of serving people.

Funeral arrangements are being made now and I will update you as soon as more information is known.

Walter's address is 520 Cornell Avenue, Albany CA 94706.

Note: Walter is not ready to talk yet so please hold calls until he is better able to cope with conversation. In the mean time, please keep their family in your hearts and prayers. Let's call upon the ancestors to comfort them.

-- Lisa