

Poem For Zenobia

For Zenobia

With respect and condolences to Richard, Lynn, Michelle, extended family and friends

I offer my respects and say my last good-bye from too far away
Through the voice of another friend who loves you.
Painfully aware of the irony of my absence while
Working to manifest a dream worthy of your example,
The need to do so made more urgent by witnessing your travail.

How strange to say good-bye as I continue to talk to you certain that you hear me.
Eventually the sight of a bag of starlight mints won't provoke tears,
And one day a can of Pepsi will just be a can of Pepsi,
And missing you will be a simple acknowledgment of the wonder of our friendship,
This spiritual kinship that comforts me even through the tears I shed while writing this.

Yet, when next libations are poured before me your name will rise with those of Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth and Fannie Lou Hamer, for
You are a woman of their caliber.
Even though I don't know why we traded signs that first Indigenous People's Day,
I will never forget what you wrote,
"Columbus didn't discover anything, he was lost!"
You introduced me to the Grand Master of a Black Cowboys Rodeo Parade as he passed us on horseback, and
Every time I smell sage burning, or see an abalone shell,
I promise you I will pray for Richard, Lynn and long lost, deeply loved and so recently found Michelle.

A Luta Continua, and though I bid you farewell I know you linger near.
Farewell dear sister-friend, comrade, farewell.

CVGSheba 9/22/2005

I truly appreciate you reading this for me, I might not get through even if I came.
One mind
Look for a forwarded message about the potluck following the meorial.