
Gentrification by genocide

Top stories in this week's Bay View

Top stories in this week's Bay View drive home the urgency of organizing our communities to prevent the grabbing of our land, our livelihood and our lives.

New Orleans stays in the spotlight as the people struggle - with our beloved Malik Rahim leading the way - to take control of reuniting, healing and rebuilding. The clinic he founded, called Common Ground and housed in the local mosque, is staffed, stocked and serving 500-600 patients a day, thanks to volunteer medical professionals from coast to coast who heeded his call.

You can now contact and donate to the clinic direct:
Common Ground,
P.O. Box 3216,
Gretna LA 70054, (504) 361-9659,
And yes, more volunteers are needed.

Gentrification by genocide describes the crisis in many Black neighborhoods, including Hunters Point, where on Friday morning a youngster considered a success story, Tyrell Taylor, 18, was shot multiple times in the back by the SFPD gangsters in blue who clearly intended to kill him. Tyrell, then 14, was one of the five children, age 13-15, beaten and molested by police as the whole neighborhood watched in horror on Martin Luther King Day, 2002, when the lead officer explained, "As long as you people are here, we will act like this."

Here are just a few of the stories waiting for you at

New Orleans: covert operations underway?

‘Sister, I can’t run no more’: 'They're trying to kill me,' says youth shot in the back by SFPD

'They never once said freeze' by Apollonia Jordan

Katrina’s lesson: Self-determination by Amadi Ajamu

Holy rollers: The church van is hero of Katrina recovery by Kevin Weston

Black leadership run amock by William Reed

These are the people the government abandoned by Tiny

Witness: a New Orleans survivor’s story

A conscious voice: an interview with Erykah Badu by JR (check out the gorgeous photo, also by JR)

Superintendent, just say yes by Kim-Shree Maufas

Jose Padilla and the death of personal liberty

Back inside New Orleans by Jordan Flaherty (with a beautiful photo of Malik Rahim)

Help reunite New Orleans prisoners with their families

Malik Rahim and medics from SF to DC set up health clinic in New Orleans

National Conference of Black Lawyers blasts Bush regime, calls for Black community self-reliance in assisting displaced persons

And don't forget these perennial favorites - check 'em every week:

Wanda's picks by Wanda Sabir

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