



15 March 70 Wanted: By the People,
Yahoo Bandit Running Amuck
Black Panther

Article written by Robert Jackson and Wolf Raymer of the Community Information Center and Neighborhood Center explained the activities of Jerry Lindsey, who had "broken nearly all Black Panther Party rules.” Lindsey reportedly pointed weapons at the people and stole money from the Community Information Center. Jackson and Raymer called on the people to "deal with him like you would deal with a mad dog."

2 April 70 Panther Tells CWRU Students of Chicago Medical Center Press

The student council of the CWRU Medical School invited Dr. Quentin Young, former national chairman for the Medical Committee for Human Rights, and Ralph Bostick, member of the Black Panthers in Chicago, to speak on free health care clinics and the Panthers new medical center in Chicago. Bostick stated that beside harassment from police, the center serves nearly 200 patients a week with about 50 physicians and interns volunteering in the evenings and on Sunday.

9 May 70 BPP List of Recognized Chapters, Branches, and NCCFs Black Panther

Cleveland is listed as a NCCF with two locations: 4096 E. l39th St. and 2734 Hampshire #302. Earnest Watts is given as the contact.

27 June 70 Mad Dog Racist Murders Young Brother Black Panther

Article written by the Ohio NCCF at 2783 E. 79th St. reported on the June 6th murder of 15-year old Gregory Weathersby by Antonio Simek, owner of Gay Vorner Café. After being denied service at Simek’s store, Weathersby was chased around the corner and fired upon as he fled. Simek is reported as a supporter of George Wallace and a registered Treasurer of the American Independent Party.

30 June 70 Panthers Tell of Play Lot, Free Breakfast Programs Plain Dealer

Thomas C. A very , President of the Kinsman Area Multi- Service Corporation and owner of Avery's Drugstore, across the street from the NCCF headquarters at 2783 E. 79th St., asked for two warrants to be served to Panthers who he claimed threatened him. A very stated that the feud between him and the Panthers evolved after the Panthers attacked him in a pamphlet as "an enemy of the people.” Yet Billy Brock, member of the Cleveland Panthers and a student at Cleveland State University, spoke of the positive community programs implemented by the Party, including a free breakfast program and a plan to clear a vacant lot and construct a children's playground and a "people's park.” Brock stated that the NCCF headquarters was established "about a month ago."

I July 70 Avery Charges, Militants Deny Fund Demands Plain Dealer

Shoot-out occurred after police allegedly tried to issue warrants for two Panthers, Robert Hall, and Curtis Johnson, at NCCF headquarters. Johnson, Fred Clark, and Richard Dowell were arrested and charged with "shooting with intent to kill.” Clark and Patrolman Henrich J. Ortag were wounded in the incident. The shoot-out was the climax of a reported six week conflict between the Panthers and Thomas A very , which A very said involved threats towards himself and his customers. Avery further stated that the Panthers wanted a portion of the $35,000 Cleveland NOW! funds granted to his Kinsman Multi-Service Center Corporation. In response, the Panthers organized a news conference and denied asking for the funds, further stating that police attack was a military assault. Panther representatives were Tommie Carr, Health and Legal Aid Section leader, Ron Robinson, Information Section leader, Rock Todd (James E. Todd) Committee Chairman, and Mike Cross, Chairman of the Toledo Committee. Panthers stated that increased police surveillance and hostility from A very had been in reaction to the community programs organized to serve the people. Col. William Hendrickson, Assistant to the Cleveland Safety Director, stated that police presence was simply to keep the peace.

2 July 70 Group Assails Raids on Blacks by Police Plain Dealer

A coalition of white clergy, peace and college groups denounced the raid on NCCF headquarters and the biased coverage in the media. Rev. Charles W. Rawlings, Director of Leadership program at CWRU, and Sidney Peck, Sociologist at CWRU, demanded that the 110 policemen used in the recent raid be indicted on charges of shooting to kill. They claimed that the programs organized by the Panthers were the real reason for police force, not the minor altercation with Avery.

2 July 70 Shoot-in Charge Not Justified: Davis Press

Safety Director Benjamin O Davis Jr stated that the police actions in the recent shootout at NCCF headquarters were justified. In praising the actions of the police and the Drug Store owner Avery, Davis refused to have a major investigation of the incident 4 July 70 Attempt to Railroad People's Servants Black Panther Article written by Curt with the Cleveland NCCF reported the harassment of two college students who support the Black Panthers.. AI Hayes, a student at Cuyahoga Community College, who helped with the liberation schools, free lunch programs, and sold the paper for the Party, had been continually mistreated by security guard Maurice Pressley. Pressley arrested Hayes for arson on campus and then later admitted in court that he never saw who set the fire. "22 pigs from the Cleveland hog farm" beat up Billy Brock, a student at Cleveland State University, who worked at liberation schools and organized a "Free Bobby" rally on campus. He was later arrested and released on $1000 bail.

4 July 70 Ernest Watts: Purged- Cleveland, Ohio Black Panther

Article written by the Ohio NCCF at 2783 E. 79th explained the purge of Ernest Bo Watts from the Ohio Chapter of the NCCF. After being demoted from leadership and placed in charge of Circulation and Distribution in May, Watts ran the section into the ground, culminating in his call to National Distribution in which he refused to order any papers. Watts was described as an individualist who made contacts and promises to "mother country radicals" without obtaining approval from the Cleveland leadership.

11 July 70 Fascist Storm Troopers Cowardly Attack NCCF Office Black Panther

Article written by the Ohio Chapter NCCF reported on the military assault upon the Black Panther Party's Cleveland NCCF office, in which Panther Fred Clark was shot in the leg after he was arrested. Mary Smith was also attacked in the raid. The NCCF concluded by accusing Doc A very of being a tool of the power structure.

23 July 70 A Look at City's Black Panthers Press

In a three-part series on the Cleveland Black Panthers, the Cleveland Press reported that the Panthers evolved out of the Neighborhood and Community Information Centers organized in August '69 by Wolf Raymer and his wife Debbie on the West Side and Robert Jackson on the East Side. Both are arms of the NCCF. Yet, after small numbers at both Centers, James E. (Rock) Todd, Chairman of the Cleveland Steering Committee, Ron Robinson, and Tommie Carr took over. Mobilizing students at Cuyahoga Community College and the youth within the Kinsman area increased support for the Panthers. Curtis Johnson, Education Section leader of the NCCF, runs the Liberation School at League Park Center, which had been "operating since mid-June.” Following the recent shoot-out, the Panthers moved their office to a room on 2809 E. 79th St.

24 July 70 Police, Black Community Split on Panthers Press

In a report on community attitudes toward the Cleveland Black Panthers, Reverend Herman O. Graham, Director of Garden Valley Neighborhood Center, stated that the Panthers were a positive influence in the community. Eddie Love, secretary at Garden Valley Neighborhood Center, said the Panthers had an office in the Center during the spring before moving to E. 79th St. Ramon Basie, Director of the Legal Aid Society's Kinsman office, noted the increased police surveillance accompanying the local rise of the Panthers. Other community members attested to the quieter neighborhood since the presence of the Panthers. Yet Safety Director Davis said that in addition to the complaints from Doc Avery, others had called concerning the Panther's conduct. The Press further noted that following the raid on Panther headquarters, the family of Richard Dowell asked the FBI for a full investigation.

8 August 70 Repression of Black Panther Newspaper Black Panther

An article written by the National Distribution of the Black Panther Party described the many incidents in which the Party's paper had been delivered soiled, wet, and late. On 27 March 70, the shipment to Cleveland, OH was delayed 27 hours at the airport. On 17 April 70, 2 boxes were lost and the shipment was 12 hours late to Cleveland.

12 September 70 Cleveland, OH- Avaricious Slumlord Evicts Black Family Black Panther

Article written by the NCCF Cleveland described the practices of landlord Walter Horaty in his eviction of Mrs. Barbara Bowman and her family in East Cleveland. Article stated that the legal cadre of the Cleveland NCCF advised Mrs. Bowman of her constitutional rights and gave her legal options to pursue. In conclusion, the NCCF gave support to the upcoming BPP Constitutional Convention to confront the powers of the capitalist.

26 September 70 Black People Live in the Ruins of America Black Panther

Article written by the NCCF Cleveland described the conditions of housing in the area, making specific reference to a house that recently collapsed on Rawlings Ave. As the government continued to issue high-rise contracts to the Turner Construction Company, black people suffered in condemned housing. In citing numerous calls from tenants each day, the NCCF argued that if landlords didn't live up to their commitments, the land should be converted into housing cooperatives.

3 October 70 One Pig Dead One Pig Wounded at Hands of the Lumpen Black Panther

Article written by Amokoea of the NCCF Cleveland reported on the revolutionary act, which resulted in the death of Joseph P. Tracz of the Cleveland Police Departmental Tactical Squad and the wounding of his partner, Frederick Fulton. In citing Point No.7 of the Black Panther Party Ten Point Platform and Program, the Lumpen set the correct example when confronted with the continual harassment of the police. Until there is community control of the police, the NCCF stated that the Lumpen would not allow the police brutality to continue.

17 October 70 Oppression Alive at Cuyahoga Nursing Home Black Panther

Article written by Curt Johnson of the NCCF Cleveland described the conditions of the Cuyahoga County Nursing Home and the plight of Freddie Massey, a 19-year-old patient and supporter of the Black Panther Party. After having his writings stolen by the Nursing Home priest, the NCCF proceeded to visit Freddie and investigate the complaints. The authorities caved into the NCCF pressure and Freddie stated that he would always be a Panther.

17 October 70 The Cleveland 2 Each illegally Held on $100,000 Black Panther

Article written by Curtis Johnson of the NCCF Cleveland elaborated on the circumstances surrounding the arrest of Darryl Harris and Essex Smith, accused of abduction, rape, and robbery of Sharon Weber and Ralph Grayer, students at Cleveland State University. Johnson also reported on the events after the arrest and the conduct of Judge Michael "Hangman" Fenghan and Pig Michael Toth.

7 November 70 Opening of the Cleveland NCCF Free Breakfast Program Black Panther

Article written by Curtis Johnson of the NCCF Cleveland reported on the implementation of the Cleveland NCCF Free Breakfast Children Program at 2809 East 79th St. downstairs from the Black Community Information Center. The program is run from Monday through Friday from 7:30 -8:45 AM and lunch is served on Saturday from 12:00 -1:00 PM. Article further commented on the showing of the movie "Off the Pigs," the children singing revolutionary songs, and the theft of $21 in donations during the police raid on June 29th.

7 November 70 Behind the Walls Black Panther

Article written by Freddie Massey at the Cuyahoga County Nursing Home in Cleveland commented on the struggle of being Black and disabled. After describing the conditions "behind the walls," Massey lent support to the Panther's Revolutionary People's Constitutional Convention in Washington DC on November 27-29.

17 December 70 Church Deed is Refused as Bail for Panther Trio Plain Dealer

On the advice of the Cuyahoga County prosecutor, Emil J. Masgay, Clerk of the Common Pleas Court, refused to accept a deed of the East Cleveland Congression Church valued at $259,000. The bond was for Essex Z. Smith and Darryl Harris, both "charged in the abduction, rape, and robbery of a Cleveland State University couple.” The other Panther included in the bail fund, Fred Clark, was still imprisoned on $6,000 bail after the shoot-out at Panther Headquarters on June 29th. The Rev. Dewey F. Fagerburg stated that his church of 100 members "supports black militants as a matter or policy.” Frederic L. Ferrell, lawyer for Smith, Harris, and Clark, stated that church property had been used in other Panther cases in New York and Chicago. Yet, Assistant County Prosecutor A. M. Braun stated that Ohio law required a court order before such action.