

Poetry by Dr. Tolbert Small

The Spirit of the Panther

Today, the Panther sleeps;

But one day, the spirit of the Panther
Will rise again.

The spirit of the Panther will rise

When there are no homeless on our streets,
When healthcare becomes a right not a privilege,
When quality education is available for all.

The spirit of the Panther will rise

When we spend more money on education than on prisons,
When police truly serve and protect,
When our children will no longer die in wars fought for oil and greed.

The spirit of the Panther will rise

When no child wakes up or falls asleep with hungry pains,
When children no longer kill children in our mean streets,
When our society creates the new man.

The spirit of the Panther will rise

When race, color, and sex no longer matters,
When corporations no longer serve as puppet masters,
When our government becomes of the people, by the people,
And for the people.

For now the Panther sleeps,

But she will not sleep forever.

One day she will arise from the grave

To walk these mean streets.


-- Tolbert Small