
Disabled activist Jane Jackson joins the ancestors -- in Cuba!

Disabled activist Jane Jackson joins the ancestors -- in Cuba!

Greetings all:

It's with great sadness and a tremendous sense of loss that I bring you this news. Our beloved sister, Jane Jackson, passed last night while visiting Cuba. Her attendant, Vivian, called me this afternoon with the news of Jane's death. She said she'll be staying at Jane's house for at least a month, so folks who know Jane can call and get more information -- esp. regarding memorial services and/or commemorations.

Practically every time I get on a lift to board a bus, or use a wheelchair accessible restroom, I think of Jane. She was a thorn in the side of ableism and those who could care less whether folks with disabilities could have equal access to places and events. Her militancy in behalf of the disabled community as well as political prisoners and a host of other social causes, was well known. She was an ardent supporter of Pacifica Radio and contributed much to the Station.

Jane never let her advanced age (she was closing in on 80 I believe) or disability deter her from traveling all over the map in solidarity with freedom fighters and progressive peoples. I don't know how many trips she made to Cuba, but they were numerous. She had also traveled to Libya, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and those are only the countries I remember. Not to mention traveling to D.C. for marches and rallies, to Philly to protest Mumia's incarceration, etc., etc. Only god knows how many times she was arrested protesting militantly against injustice, exploitation, and inequality.

Long live the spirit of Jane Jackson.

May she rest in peace.