
Elombe/Numsa Brath Benefit Set for 9 December @ 5PM

Elombe/Numsa Brath Benefit Set for 9 December @ 5PM

A Benefit for Elombe and Numsa Brath will take place at The House of the Lord Church on Sunday 9 December 2007. It will start at 5pm. Please come on time and bring a sizable donation and friends with sizable donations. As you all know, the astronomical medical fees here in the US can catch up with a family within weeks. We cannot afford the Brath Family to have even more stress than they are struggling with now.

The House of the Lord Church is located in Brooklyn on Atlantic Ave. near Bond St. Subways to either Atlantic Ave station (about a four-block walk) or the A & C trains to Hoyt-Schermerhorn (about a three-block walk).

Please circulate widely---

Veteran FreedomFighters need our support while they are alive!

In Struggle,

KEY INFORMATION: WBAI's Kamau Khalfani established an e-mail for folks to send good wishes to Elombe, Nomsa and their family at . Donations to help Elombe and Nomsa can still be made by checks made out to Elombe Brathat.

NOTE from Sandra Rivers - Dec. 1, 2007: Activists, including WBAI-Producers, staff are planning a second Fundraising event -- either the 3rd week in December, 2007 or 2nd, 3rd week in January, 2008. More to follow. Please let Sandra Rivers ( know of your interest in being a 'Host' of this event - and willingness to Assist and Participate in/with the Event (food, cultural presentations, etc.) ('Host' means primarily signing onto Inviting commuications. (a likely venue is Minton's Playhouse in Manhattan)

(This Message's Transmission Histroy is below - to provide listings of other recipients)

History on the Brath Family's recent Medical issues are Below.
You can also check ListServes like 'Blacklist', BNYEE (at GoogleGrooups), etc.

Please Post and send your Prayers

"Ronald B. McGuire" wrote

Nomsa the wife of Elombe Brath, is recovering from major cardiac surgery in anintensive care unit. Sharan Harper of WBAI informed me that thisafternoon Nomsa regained consciousness and that Elombe andfamily members were on their way to see her at the hospital. Elombe is recovering from a massive stroke he suffered several weeksago and their health insurance does not cover many of the alternativeprocedures recommended by Elombe's doctors. Elombe and Nomsa have been in theforefront of the struggle for freedom and self determination longerthan most of us have been alive. They have always been there when weneeded them. Now it is our turn to step up when Elombe and Nomsaneed us. It is also our collective responsibility toprovide some fitting form of recognition for the contributions thiswarriors have made. We need to educate those who don't know of them and there importance to the struggles. I hope some of us in the community who have benefited from their wisdom and courage will come forth to produce a fitting tribute to Elombe and Nomsa on WBAI.

Since Nomsa is now hospitalized, WBAI's Kamau Khalfani established an e-mail for folks to send good wishes to Elombe, Nomsa and their family at . Please read Kamau's moving e-mail which followsthis. Greetings in all the languages of Blackness,

I am writing this on behalf of Elombe Brath and his QueenNomsa. As many of you know Elombe recently had a stroke along with anumber of health problems that are complicated by his age. In my opinion were it not for the fact that Elombe has worked sofeverishly in our community and for the African family as a whole hewould not have been able to withstand the onslaught of medical issuesthat have befallen him. We are fortunate that Elombe survived.

What many of you do not know is that Elombe's Queen Numsa wasstricken with not just a stroke but at this writing has had to undergomajor heart surgery and is unable to speak. The doctors have reducedvisitation to family only.

I have taken this opportunity to set this e-mail up for the brathfamily so that they are not burdened by the onslaught of well here you can express yourself to the family.

let me also say this. When you receive this e-mail please send itout to your entire e-mail list...pass it to all the media outlets thatyou can and push to all human limits. Why you might ask? It issimple.

Elombe Brath is a living legend and Icon among the living. Elombeis a national treasure and if the world is not aware of this fact itis squarely our responsibility. We are obligated to care for ourchildren and we cannot forget that lesson when it comes to ourelders. we have shamefully allowed our elders to spend the last years oftheir life often in a state of poverty. We have allowed our heroes toreturn to the ancestors with out the dignity theydeserve. I am putting this issue on my personal agenda to bedealt with in a communal process. If we insist on calling ourselvesAfricans then there is a protocol that goes with that. We must make ithappen.

Be at peace
Kamau Khalfani

Executive Producer
The Learning Tree Radio/TV Show
Prime minister Of Information
for The School Of African Philosophy
WBAI-FM Radio 99.5 FM
120 Wall St
New York New York 10005

Sandra Rivers

Vicente " Panama" Alba
(917) 626-5847

"if you tremble with indignation at every injustice
then you are comrade of mine."
"Let's be realistic, let's do the impossible"
Ernesto "Che" Guevara