

Bobby Was My Friend

Per my tel. message to Bill Jones on 4/29/06. Wanted to write to you to share some feelings if I may. Feeling very emotional as I write this letter.

I missed attending the tribute to Bobby at the West Oakland Library. Strange that I am remembering the days. Don't know why I feel sad at this moment. I have fond memories of our school days with Bobby. Amazing that I still think about and remember Bobby and those fun days.

As a kid, Bobby was my friend and I lost track of him after middle school at Woodrow Wilson Jr. High. We never got the chance to talk after that time. He was gone before I knew it. Too soon taken from us.

Most of us (his classmates) lost contact with Bobby around the time he joined the BPP. His vision was a lot larger than other kids his age. His was gifted at such an early age.

We lived five blocks from each other. His family at 56th and Market and mine at 58th and Adeline near Lois Pier Queen. In yester-year, I visited that house on many a day. He and I would walk to school together regularly, went to some of the same classes, and just hung out in the neighborhood. High school was the missing link. Can not remember exactly what happened when we turned that corner. He was with us at Oakland Technical HS as was his brothers and sisters.

In fact, when my Mom allowed me to go out early evenings during late middle school years, many occasions I was with Bobby. The very first time I got into trouble for staying past my curfew, I was with Bobby. Remembering clearly when he came to pick me up and was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairway. It is also a vivid memory that same night my Mother was waiting at the door with her big stick (bless her heart).

These were great kid times. Bobby was a good person. Hope to be able to join you at his next tribute celebration. He deserves every moment.

I hope Bobby is still keeping a watch over us, the BPP and guiding our path.

Best regards to all of you. God Bless.

James Burks