

Bobby Hutton Art Contest

It's About Time, The Bay View Newspaper and West Oakland Library will sponsor an Art contest. This contest is in support of the Black Panther Party 40th yr Celebration.

The contest is for youth 10-17 yrs old and group two 17 thru 87 yrs of age. The theme is "The Black Panther Party Survival Programs and Serving the People, please depict Panthers doing community work, all art work must be post marked before April 3.

The prize is $100 for each group winner, the winners Artwork will be displayed at Bobby Hutton Day and used in our 40th yr program book as well as our newspaper.

Bobby Hutton Day will be held April 15 2006 From 1:00pm-4:00pm. All are welcome.

For more info check or call 916-455-0908.

Send all Art Work to:
West Oakland Library
1801 Adeline St
Oakland, Ca 94607