

40th yr Event BPP Poetry Reading

Greetings Everyone:

Over the weekend we helped sponsor two events. The first was a film showing of the video "Comrade Sister" at KINKS in Sacramento. The turnout was very good and raised money from the people whom came. Sister Sheba spoke about her experience in the BPP when she worked at the West Berkley office of the BPP and at the George Jackson Clinic.

Saturday we drove to Oakland and helped setup for the Poetry Reading which was hosted by Wanda Sabir of the Bay View Newspaper. and well known poet. This was Wanda's 15th year working the Poetry Readings. The BPP Poetry Readings growth out of a our love for the Party and it;s Legacy. Standing room only, the event was a smash hit, great turnout and great poetry.

Many Panthers came to Read, Sister Sheba, Steve McCruthen, Dr. Burt Small,Panthers came to listen, a number of BPP members were on hand as was Elbert"Big Man" Howard.

Great Day in Oakland, clear blue skys and warm at 65.

Billy X