

The 35th Year Reunion & Conference of the Black Panther Party

By Elbert "Big Man" Howard

The reunion and conference was all that it promised and more. The committee and staff of the It's About Time organization have my undying gratitude and love for putting on such an affair.

It brought together not only old friends in the struggle of so many years ago, but it also brought together family members who had not been together in a long time. It brought together brothers and sisters who were political prisoners who are now free and who never had a chance to experience fellowship with their comrades before.

It brought together children of Black Panther Party members who are now grown up but never had a chance for fellowship with each other.

There were many workshops chaired by old Party members that dealt with many issues that were not explained or resolved with the break-up of the Party. There were workshops that answered questions related to the Black Panther Party's relationship with other groups; White Americans, Brown people and Asian people.

There was an opportunity to explain or clarify for some community people Party policy and practice. We also answered many questions about our community survival programs and the repression and attacks we suffered because of them.

There were workshops that dealt with issues that needed to be resolved relating to women's issues in the Black Panther Party.

Above all, it was a healing process for many former members of the BPP. Many came from all areas and regions of the United States. For me and many others, it was very satisfying to be recognized for the work that we did so many years ago to make the world and our communities a better place to live.

All Power to the People!

Another high point for me was the opportunity to see brother Eddie Conway who is a political prisoner being held in Jessup Maryland Penitentiary. Eddie has been held prisoner for 30 years. He was in good spirits, but tired of being locked up and the whole inhumane system that goes with it. We who are not in captivity should do all that we can to set this veteran free. We must not let him live and breathe that blackness any longer. Write him a letter, pay him a visit, do something on his behalf as he did for us all those years ago.

Marshall Eddie Conway #116469
Box 534
Jessup, MD 20794

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