Greetings from BPP Reunion/Conference
Oct.11-14 2002 Washington, DC


Over the past month, a group of sisters who either were party members or closely connected with the party has been corresponding concerning the upcoming Black Panther Party Reunion/Conference 2001. As a group, we have decided to lend our support and make our contribution to the reunion organizing effort by ensuring the inclusion of workshops and roundtable discussions, which address the participation and experience of women within the Black Panther Party. Toward this end, we are providing four workshops:

1.  The Impact and Leadership of Women in the Party-This session will examine the contributions of women in shaping and maintaining the Party.

2.  Women as Political Prisoners and Supporters of Political Prisoners-This session will identify and bring attention to women who are political prisoners and highlight the activities of women in support of political prisoners.

3.  The Impact and Influence of Survival Programs on the Community and Society-This session will explore the significance of survival programs as a prototype for inclusion in mainstream programs.

4.  Gender Politics and the Role of Women in the Movement- This session will revisit the philosophies of the leading organization of that time and the role of women within their organizational structures, with an emphasis on the reality versus the philosophy.

We view the above workshops as educational and learning sessions, thus they are open to the community.

For further information contact: The Women Organizing Committee, Marva Berry at (301) 808-4841 or MarvaKBerry@hotmail.com or itsabouttime3@juno.com

BPP Reunion/Conference

Oct.11-14 Washington, DC

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