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Alamin A. Jabbar

I was a community worker with the Detroit Branch, under Lonnie Dee, located at 157 Collingwood. I was attending high school at the time. I did the normal community work such as selling the Party’s newspaper, working with the limited free lunch program, and collecting donations for the free bussing program. I had met a few of the members of the Detroit 16. I was surprised to read in the It’s About Time Newsletter about the sister Jody passing. I knew that sister back when she was functioning out of the Detroit branch. I specifically remember her because she started me on learning the Ten-Point Program.

My most memorable moments and experiences were with the Ohio Chapter in Toledo, under Mike Cross. I left the Detroit Branch essentially for two reasons; youthful personality conflict with the Detroit leadership, and youthful indiscretion when in high school which caused me unwanted attention from the Juvenile Authorities. In Ohio, I was involved in the Free Breakfast Program, Free Lunch Program and the Free Food Program. I was involved in the Ohio Chapter’s first 1,000 bag free food giveaway.