


By Albert Woodfox - Angola 3


6X8 cell, and I wait

I wait for revolution, and I wait

for unity, and I wait for peace!

I wait while people shoot up dope,

and while people smoke down grass!

Yes, I wait, am I a fool?

I wait, I wait and I wait!

People party down, and I wait,

I wait while people do the boogy,

robot, bus stop, and hustle

our lives away!

I wait while people drag ass

Education, agitation, organization

I'm still waiting

Justice! I'm waiting

And I wait, and wait, and wait!

FREEDOM! Who knows? but I wait!

Gates flying open, people running

jumping, screaming, laughing, and

I wait!

Can I be wrong to wait?

I even wait for answers that never

come, foolish huh? But I wait!

I'm waiting for justice for those

murdered, pigs killing our youth,

and I wait for it to stop!

People waiting for food stamps,

hunger stalks, waiting for medical

aid, bodies die. Decent homes cause

there's too many rats, roaches and

snails, I'm still waiting!

I wait for truth in schools, I ask

for truth, and I'm told to WAIT!

I wait while youth dies from my body,

death stalks my soul, and I wait!

I wait while revolutions of liberations

Sweeps across the world, Amerikkka, I'm


I wait for black man and woman to discover

love, I wait for them to discover it, yes,

I wait! I wait for the embrace of family,

sound of father, brother, black man, and son,

and I still wait! Seconds turn to years, years

turn to centuries and I wait!