SF 8 Honors Panther Women

Although we remember our work as Panthers with still defiant pride, very rarely are we remembered for our work while still living.  This is true of most rank and file Panthers and even more so of Panther women before April 18, 2009. 

This remarkable event, occurred because of an even more remarkable group of men knows as the SF8.  While awaiting trial themselves on charges dropped against them over 38 years ago, these gentlemen are still telling the story of the BPP.  Back in the day, the BPP for Self Defense was portrayed by the white supremacist media machine as a group of young Black “males
.  This was in the days when even elderly Black men were referred to as “boys”. 

In those days, Respectable
civil rights groups had Womens Auxiliaries, or clearly used women in auxiliary capacities.  It was clear to those who attended this event, that women were full members in the BPP, and as Richard Brown, of the SF8 related, there were no “Panther-ettes“.

The women were all presented with a red rose and a beautifully worded and rendered certificate of thanks.  (See attachment)  It is remarkable also, that after all this time, there was such a great concord regarding the work and the purpose and meaning of the work as it continues in the lives of the honorees, who symbolized the many Comrade Sisters who were not present.  That long time Warrior Woman, Kiilu Nyasha was not present physically but sent video greetings.  She is recovering well from a fractured hip.  Red roses were also presented to former members of the NCCF, (National Committee to Combat Fascism) in acknowledgement of the work done with and on behalf of the BPP.

The brothers challenged comrades in other cities to acknowledge the work done by Comrade Sisters in other cities.  I challenged the reader to come to the aid of the SF8 with donations of funds, letters of support and well wishes.  As the Bush era ended, the SF8 became the trial test for the acceptability of torturing US citizens and using false evidence obtained by torture in Federal Court. 
Learn more about the case against these brothers who have done so much for humanity in general and Black people in particular, and join their defense committee at http://www.sfbg.com/blogs/politics/2009/05/the_trial_of_the_san_francisco.html#more

Hope you can use this.  One mind,


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