Community Services Unlimited Inc.
                           Serving the People Body and Soul


:: Massive Thanks!
A Huge and Heartfelt Thanks to everyone who donated to CSU as part of our recent fundraising campaign, with your support we have raised almost $3,700 to support our community programs Our target is to bring this up to $4,500 and we are asking those of you who have promised to donate but have not yet done so to please take the time to write that check or click a few buttons on pay pal. If you did not make a commitment don’t feel left out, you can still make a much needed donation at or by sending us a check to P.O. Box 62696, Los Angeles, CA 90062, made to CSU Inc.
We have exceeded what we raised in our last campaign and given the hard times this means more than it would normally. Your support means so much to us and gives us the impetus to keep going in a cycle of inspiration!

:: Please NOTE – Our regular Tuesday open garden session times are changing and will now be 9am to 12noon - Tuesdays 9am to 12noon at the EXPO/CSU mini urban farm

:: CSU Seeking Veggie Bus Intern
Are you excited about sustainable transportation?  Want to learn more about using recycled vegetable oil as fuel? Interested in supporting CSU’s efforts to build a sustainable local food system in South Central LA? CSU is seeking an intern to help with with our Veggie Bus.  CSU’s Veggie Bus has been converted to run on re-cycled vegetable oil and over the coming months we will be making repairs and updates to the engine. We are looking for an intern to help research and locate parts, and to communicate with vendors and mechanics. Depending on the skill level and interest the intern might also assist CSU’s mechanic, or help with general maintenance and upkeep of the bus.  The ideal candidate will be mechanically oriented, have some experience working on engines and/or be familiar and comfortable with mechanical terms and language. We are looking for someone who can work independently,  but as part of a team and have enthusiasm  for this work. If you think you may be the one, please send an email describing your interest, experience, and availability to   


:: Wed February 9th – Earth Day South LA 2011 - 1st Organizing Meeting – 6pm to 7.30pm

:: Sat February 12th - Garden Gateway Workshop Series – Soil Remediation + Foods That Cleanse the Body – 9am to 1pm Learn how to have us test your soil -Subsequent workshops in the series every 2nd Saturday in the month till June 2011

:: Sun February 13th – Corner Store Survey – Calling Volunteers – 1pm to 4pm

:: Mon February 14th –
Corner Store Survey – Calling Volunteers – 9.30am to12.30pm

:: Sat February 19th –
Anjali’s Normandie Ave., Mini Farm Work Day – 9am to 1pm
:: Fri March 4th – Food Party – Enjoy food from Palestine over a discussion of the intersections between the situation there and the work of CSU – 6pm to 9pm

:: February 9th – Earth Day South LA 2011 (April 16th) - 1st Organizing Meeting – 6pm to 7.30pm

Mark your calendars for our 3rd Annual Earth Day event. As we speed toward April we invite anyone serious about doing some work to make it happen, to join us in our first planning meeting. We are looking for folks to help organize logistics, raise money, get in kind donations, recruit artists, organize workshops, do media outreach, distribute fliers and many, more tasks necessary to make this an even better event than we had last year. We are also looking for artists to design this years flier and poster. But first we need a theme for this years event, any ideas?

If you did not make it the last two years please check out the link to Earth Day info on the home page of our web site

Where: The Auditorium, Normandie Avenue Elementary School, 4505 South Raymond Avenue
RSVP: or call 323 299 7075

In partnership with Normandie Avenue Elementary School

:: February 12th - Garden Gateway Workshop Series – Soil Remediation + Foods That Cleanse The Body – 9am to 1pm
Subsequent workshops in the series every 2nd Saturday in the month till June 2011

Garden Gateway Project Workshop Series
The Community Gateway to Building Food Self-Reliance -  Free Gardening, Nutrition and Cooking Workshop!

Want to grow food in your garden, but worried that your soil may be contaminated? Come to this workshop and learn about how CSU can get your soil tested for you and how you can remediate toxins with what you plant. The start of a new year is also a great time to do some body cleansing, learn how to cleanse your body with what you eat and see and taste a recipe demonstration. Open to all ages, families welcome!

Where: EXPO Center/CSU Urban Farm, corner of King and Bill Robertson Lane (formerly Menlo Ave), 3980 S. Bill Robertson Lane., LA, CA 90037, next door to the senior center, enter from Bill Robertson Lane
RSVP: call 323 299 7075 and please be prepared to attend the entire workshop

In partnership with: The EXPO Center, UNO and USC Keck School of Medicine Childhood Obesity Research Center at USC

:: February 13th and 14th - CSU Corner Store Survey – Calling Volunteers – Help Us Toward Sustainability!

As part of our strategic intent we are expanding our Village Marketplace program to include retail outlets in South LA. Over the past year we have been developing ordering systems and testing out small scale delivery in a partnership with Figueroa Produce (check out  to whom we are deeply grateful and we urge you to support this wonderful business in Highland Park.

Our critical next step is to build on our previous outreach to local store owners with a specific survey designed to help us supply and support sales of produce in these stores to most effectively make this is a positive experience for all.
We have already designed, piloted and tweaked our survey and need YOU to help us interview as many store owners as possible. Please join us at one of the times below, you will be taken through the survey process, have a chance to practice and go out in teams of two to gather information to support us as we build a business to sustain our educational programs. You will gather at our office, receive a training, go out in teams and once you have completed your assigned store visits you will return to the office to pass over your completed surveys. Because we will be on a timeline to share information and send out teams, please, please arrive on time.

When: February 13th - 1pm to 4pm  AND February 14th – 9.30am to 12.30pm
Where: Meet at CSU office at the start time for orientation and training, then proceed to survey local stores
RSVP: Alicia Virani at or 310 486 6907, please be clear which day and time you will be attending

In partnership with UCLA Urban Planning Masters student, Alicia Virani

:: February 19th – Anjali’s Normandie Ave Mini Farm Work Day – 9am to 1pm

Want to get your hands dirty? Want to help grow fresh, sustainable produce in South LA? What better way to spend a Saturday morning than in an urban mini-farm at South LA's very own Normandie Avenue Elementary School! CSU ( does regular workdays at their three garden sites. Workdays are fun, relaxing and community-building. Many of you have heard of CSU for sometime but never worked in the garden... now's your chance to weed, plant, and compost all while meeting fun new friends! If you haven't been to our gardens yet you're missing out-- Personally, I always feel rooted and re-centered after workdays... I love helping to grow CSU from the ground up! As part of my work as a board member for this organization, I'm helping to raise funds for our 3rd Annual Earth Day South LA. So, I'm asking for a $10 donation to participate in the morning's work. Please come and help support my service on the CSU board, and the tireless efforts of CSU staff!!!! And, don't forget to RSVP (facebook invite!/event.php?eid=188698831154129 or email) so we know how many folks to expect:) Invite as many people as you like-- spread the word far and wide.”      Anjali Nath, CSU Board Member

Where: Normandie Ave. Elementary School, 4505 South Raymond Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90037 – Please arrive at the Vernon Gate, located on Vernon, in between  at Normandie Ave and Raymond
Donation: $10
Why: To build community and raise money for Earth Day South LA

In partnership with Normandie Ave Elementary School and CSU Board Member Anjali Nath

:: Fri March 4th – Food Party – Enjoy food from Palestine over a discussion of the intersections between the situation there and the work of CSU – 6pm to 9pm

This Food Party will be hosted by CSU friend David Lloyd one of the organizers of Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions, please check out, At Earth Day South LA in 2010 BDS speaker Shoshana Vogel outlined the theft of Palestinian water by the Israeli regime and the similarities between the way that native communities in the US have and continue to have their water stolen. This loss of water rights has caused devastation and is largely ignored by the mainstream media, This Food Party is designed to build on this conversation to consider the commonalities between the situation we face in South LA with what is happening to the Palestinian people as we think about how to publicize the BDS campaign in a meaningful way. The Food Party will be in the Silver lake area and due to space there are fewer spaces available than usual, so book yours now by  paying in advance as detailed below. We will showcase the wonderful food traditions of Palestinian and send out a menu and venue details to those that book their spot.

IN 2008 CSU began hosting a (sometimes) monthly food party as a means of bringing together cool people and great food and also raising some needed resources for our work. Each food party has a different theme that is reflected in the food and music (and clothes for the willing). You don't have to stay the whole evening, in fact the evening is planned so folks on their way elsewhere can stop, eat, chat and move on. The number of attendees will be limited for each event and it will be strictly pay in advance.
A detailed menu and address for the event will be sent to those that RSVP, but you can be sure to get home cooked gourmet food, featuring locally grown and beyond organic produce, at an incredible price of $20.00, along with great company and the knowledge that your dollars are supporting a great cause. Spaces are limited, so RSVP soon to or call 323 299 7075.


Remember, spaces are limited as we refuse to compromise the quality of our food. So, get your confirmation in early; for you to be confirmed, we must receive your payment in advance. Rsvp as below and send your donation ($20. minimum) payable to CSU to P.O. Box 62696, Los Angeles, CA 90062.  Or you can pay at our web site through pay pal;

In partnership with Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions and David Lloyd

Farm Stand @ EXPO  Mini Urban Farm (or next door at the senior center if raining) Every Thursday 3 – 5pm
Check out: for more details

Get Your Veggies on the Run! Sign up for CSU's Produce Bag Program – Now Better Than Ever
Subscribe for CSU's Farm Fresh Produce Bag program and each week receive a bag filled with seasonal fruits and vegetables from CSU's urban mini-farms and local farmers. The bag also includes a news sheet with easy recipes using items in your bag! We grow and shop - You Stop - & Pick up your pre-paid bag at the EXPO farm stand on Thursday evenings! Subscribers get first pick of seasonal and limited items before they hit the farm stand and help CSU by paying in advance.  Fresh, Local, Beyond Organic – good for you, the earth and the community.
Learn more and sign up @
Updates for CSU Produce Bag Program – even more reasons to subscribe
LOWER FEE: We’ve lowered the online processing fee by 50% making it even more convenient and affordable to renew your produce bag subscription online.
NEW WAY TO PAY! You can now sign up for recurring monthly payments billed directly to your credit or debit card. When you sign up your card will automatically be billed every month for your produce bag subscription without you having to do a thing! This allows you to conveniently subscribe for more than 4 weeks, while still paying for 1month at a time.     
4 weeks & beyond:  Want to pay upfront for more than 4 weeks? You still can! Select the bag size you want and click "add to cart".  You can then change the quantity of your subscriptions during check out (1 = 4 weeks, 2 = 8 weeks, 3 = 12 weeks, etc.).

Support CSU Every time You Search or Shop Online. is a new Yahoo-powered search engine that donates half its advertising revenue to charities users designate. Use it just as you would any search engine, get quality search results from Yahoo, and watch the donations add up! is a new online shopping mall which donates up to 37% of each purchase to your favorite cause! Hundreds of great stores including Target, Gap, Best Buy, ebay, Macy's and Barnes & Noble have teamed up with GoodShop and every time you place an order, you'll be supporting your favorite cause!

How It Works:
Just go to <>;  or <>;  and enter and select "community services unlimited" as your charity of choice! Tip: Most folks will only have to enter CSU the first time they visit.  After that your charity preference gets put in your "cookies" and CSU will automatically be selected every time you go to either site!  So make GoodSearch your home page and easily support CSU every time you go online.

Donate Your vehicle – Support CSU
Have a vehicle you neither need nor want, consider donating it to CSU to help us raise dollars to support our programs. Please send all details (especially of any accident the vehicle may have been involved in) and a photo or 2 to