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The Freedom Archives film - Cointelpro 101 has just been shown twice, as part of the Festival  Internacional de Nueve Cine Latinoamericano. This 33rd annual festival features all kinds of films from Cuba, the rest of Latin America, as well as some from Europe, Canada and the US.

Additionally, Cointelpro 101 was broadcast earlier this year on Cuban TV on the most popular political program – Mesa Redonda. While in Havana we were interviewed for an updated introduction to the film to be aired with Cointelpro 101 again in its entirety.

We were honored to be on Cuban TV and to be a part of the film festival, and to express our solidarity with Cuba and particularly with the case of the Cuban 5, who are referred to in our film.

Both festival showings took place in the Cine Infanta, a theater that has recently been renovated. The first showing was on December 4th, where we noted the anniversary of the assassination of Panther leaders Fred Hampton and Mark Clark - also an important part of our film.

The packed audience included a number of Cuban and North American students, some from the program to educate students of color who receive subsidized education in medical school in Havana, as well as members of the International Committee to Support the Cuban 5.

The audience also included other filmmakers and Cubans who had heard about the film or were curious about its content. The film was very well received as was evident in a discussion period which followed with me and two of the film participants, Kathleen Cleaver and Laura Whitehorn. We emphasized the ongoing nature of counter-intelligence and counter-insurgency inside the US and worldwide as well as the need to free the numerous political prisoners in the US.

After both showings, smaller discussions continued outside the theater. All in all, we are very gratified by the reception of the film and are of course excited to be here in Havana and part of the festival.

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San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977