Haiti: 8 Years after the coup


*** Saturday, March 3, 2012: 4-6PM

*** La Pena Cultural Center:  3105 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley

Haiti Action Committee invites you to an afternoon of solidarity with the Haitian people to mark the 8th anniversary of the February 29, 2004 coup d'etat. 

*** Dedicated to the memory of Jean Ristil Jean-Baptiste.


Eight years ago the US, France, Canada and the Haitian ruling elite overthrew Haiti's democratically elected President Aristide and violently reversed Fanmi Lavalas' progressive social agenda. As a result of the coup and subsequent U.N. occupation, thousands of Haitians were killed, imprisoned, exiled or disappeared.

Last year, Haitian and international elites imposed on Haiti the presidency of Duvalierist Michel Martelly, who plans to bring back the Haitian Army which was notorious for repressing the poor. Still, with the Aristide family's courageous return to Haiti last March, Haiti's grassroots movements continue to organize and fight for economic justice, an end to repression, and the return of democracy.

Featured speakers:

Pierre Labossiere

Nia Imara

Marilyn Langlois


*** We would like to dedicate this gathering to the memory of our dear friend Jean Ristil Jean-Baptiste, who passed away in Haiti last week of natural causes at the age of 30. Jean Ristil will be remembered for his courageous radio, video and print reporting on the 2004 coup and its aftermath. We honor his daily heroism, and his great support for the children of Cite Soleil and the grassroots movement in Haiti.

La Pena Cultural Center (wheelchair accessible)

3105 Shattuck Avenue
Berkeley, CA

$5-$25 donation requested (no one turned away)


This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Haiti Action Committee. www.haitisolidarity.net  



All power to the people