Indeed, BOYCOTTS! STRIKES! UNITED WE STAND; DIVIDED WE FALL!!  Seize the time!  Kudos to Rev. Pinkney and Stevie Wonder for taking a principled stand. KN


  Rev. Pinkney and Stevie Wonder: Boycott FL to Repeal the Stand Your Ground Law

   It is not one thing ! It is everything! BOYCOTT ! BOYCOTT!



Rev. Edward Pinkney, of, has called an immediate boycott of all Florida products, including orange juice and Disney World, until the "Stand Your Ground" law is repealed. The law is used to excuse the killing of blacks, like Trayvon Martin, but not used in defense of blacks, like Marissa Alexander, who is serving 20 years for firing a warning shot to avoid a brutal beating by her ex-husband shortly after giving birth. BOYCOTT4JUSTICE!

Boycotting is a highly effective, peaceful protest, as we learned during the civil rights era. Economic boycotts enlist the support of big business for The People's causes. Repeal the racist "Stand Your Ground," law to prevent more murders like Trayvon Martin's wrongful death.

Stevie Wonder gave notice that he will boycott Florida and all other states that have "Stand Your Ground" laws. See his statement below:

"I decided today that until the 'Stand Your Ground' law is abolished in Florida, I will never perform there again," the singer said in Quebec City. "As a matter of fact, wherever I find that law exists, I will not perform in that state or in that part of the world. The truth is that -- for those of you who’ve lost in the battle for justice, wherever that fits in any part of the world -- we can’t bring them back. What we can do is we can let our voices be heard."



The BlackList Pub also called for a boycott against the State of Florida, specifically naming 39 companies with Florida headquarters; the first five are listed below. BlackList Pub wrote: 


If you care about what happened to Trayvon Martin, 

"Boycott Florida"

No vacations, no conventions, no business trips, no cruises, no use of sports arenas, no orange juice, nothing! Simply put, if it has the Florida name on it …

”Don’t buy it”

It is completely up to us to change the unjust policies of this state. It’s time to get busy!


Florida Companies (See BlackList Pub for its complete list)

1. Disney World, Lake Buena Vista, FL Meg Crofton
2. Publix Supermarkets
3. Tupperware Corporation
4. Carnival Cruise Company, Miami
5. Royal Caribbean Cruises, Miami


This is an International effort.

We are calling on our brothers and sisters and all right-minded people from around the globe to come forth and assist in this righteous effort.

There is also a Facebook group called "Boycott Florida Tourism" at this link


Numerous other groups and organizations, entertainers and other individuals are expected to join the boycott against the State of Florida in order to encourage Florida businesses to press for a repeal of the 'Stand Your Ground' law. Some boycotts are intended to support civil rights charges against Zimmerman.

Contact Rev. Edward Pinkney, director of BANCO Organization
BlogtalkRadio show




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