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Field Up! To Date


Up to the moments of Victory!

First Quarter 2009


It's About Time

Billy X


We want to acknowledge and give a special thanks to Billy X Jennings and It's About Time for allowing our fundraiser note-cards to be placed in the Welcome Package during the BPP 42 Reunion Arts & Culture Conference. He has shown his committment to our project by interviewing as well. Billy X is tenacious in keeping the archival data on the Black Panther Party for Self Defense alive. He has also graciously put our works in progress on his site for all to see when visiting.


Thanks Comrade Billy X 


Someone Stole

His Chicken? 



Now here is a funny story...

Field Up Team is very familiar with Mjombu Whip.

He was very gracious during the 42 BPP Reunion introducing me to Ward Churchill

When we left Atlanta, Bullwhip said, "someone stole my piece of chicken!". We certainly got a laugh.


Yuri Kochiyama


Yuri Kochiyama and Malcolm X were born on May 19th. She is our hero and mentor and we love her dearly.

Yuri is more than a human rights activist. She is more than the mother of civil humanity. She is our dear friend. She is the dear friend of Sundiata Acoli. She is the dear friend of Assata Shakur. She is the dear friend of the team of Field Up Productions.

Yuri grew up during hard times. By 1960, she lived in Harlem with her husband and was the dear friend of Malcolm X and saw him die in her arms. She fought for the Puerto Rican liberation movement and continues to dedicate her precious life to the rights of political prisoners. And in the 21st century, mother Yuri was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

We love our Yuri. Next month, on our website, we will have a special letter that Mother Yuri has written to all people who care about Sundiata, the movement, and this film.


We welcome mother Yuri aboard this film venture in an effort to free all political prisoners.




Brother Smitty graced us with the use of his equipment and he supplied our film an original poster from the Assata Shakur and Sundiata Acoli defense campaign fund. It will be used as part of the tour when the film is completed. We thank Brother Smitty for his generosity.


We're still in production for A Power Sun! Although we have encountered dire times, we are still here and very excited about the film. Each day, Field Up Productions receive emails about the film's release date. Although production won't be finished until later this year, we want our readers and supporters to enjoy the steps and milestones, up to the moments of ---

 Our story,

 Our victory!


Sundiata Acoli and the entire Field Up Team wish to thank each person and/or company for your support.


The Team


Many Many Many

Thank You's!!! 















What can be said of an humble man who gives not only an interview for the film, but will surprise our audience with a musical tribute dedicated to Sundiata Acoli. It will be a bonus feature on the dvd after the film is released. Bilal shares he and his wife, Fulani Sunni Ali, story as victims of Hoover's COINTELPRO operation and how they survived as political prisoners.


Dawn was awed by the interview and was in tranced by the musical performance.




The Calendar Is Ready!





 The Calendar Canvases of Sundiata Acoli

As a fundraiser for the production of the film, we have put together a 3-year calendar that showcases Sundiata's artwork. This full color calendar is remarkable. We are asking everyone to purchase a calendar. Support us by purchasing this keepsake souvenier. It's only $30.00. Proceeds will go towards the production, editing, and printing of product. To order, please go to the website, and press the donate button. In the special instructions, type in calendar. Make sure you supply us with the correct shipping address. This is a worthy cause. It is very important that we continue to show our support of Sundiata Acoli. We thank you in advance for your support as well. 

Remember it's a three year calendar. Each photo can be framed too! You will enjoy this work. 



Sundiata's On






Sundiata is now on Facebook. If you want to send him a message, please do so. He receives every single one! 

goto and located Sundiata Acoli.


Our My Space Page!!


Please visit our My Space Page, at ,  There are tons of pictures, videos and more news and blogs. Remember you have to be a Myspace member to see the materials.


Also, keep posted on our website, for other relevant news and events.



Upcoming Events


May 2009, Trailer Edits Begin

Sept 2009- Panther 21 Reunion


A.P.B. = Call for All Panthers Absent


If anyone knows where the following people are, please ask them to get in touch with me or Jamal Joseph. We would be honored to have them in the film!

1. Larry Mack

2. Alex McKeiver

3. Joan Bird

4. Afeni Shakur

5. Baba Odinga

6. Richard "9" Harris 

Thank you for supporting A Power Sun and Wrack 21. You are extremely valuable to the making of this project. 



Dawn McGhee
Field Up Productions



Write Sundiata

Go Bronze!







Donations up $250.00, automatically qualify donors to become a Bronze level members of Field Up Productions. Bronzers are entitled to name placement on our website and pictures on the MySpace Page, if desired, upon making donation.



Donations greater than $250.00 receive Bronze level awards, plus a gift! They are Silverites!!!




Goldeners are company, foundation and/or corporate sponsorships donating $500.00 or more. Product name/icon will be placed in the film credits plus the Silver member benefits.


Offer Expires: On Going Until Victory Is Won! 


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