Subject:                          FW: Rally against murder in Gaza, Derry...


Hi folks,
There will be a rally in GUILDHALL SQUARE, 3PM, SATURDAY 3RD JAN, DERRY...
The rally's (which will be one of hundreds of demonstrations around the world) purpose is to make a stance against the Israeli govt's persecution of Palestinians  in Gaza.  Speakers have been invited from all the local parties and trade unions.  The Israelis have ignored pleas from political parties and religious leaders to stop the slaughter.  Their bombing of Gaza is NOT in response to Palestinians firing rockets into Israel.  It began with the expulsion of Palestinians at gunpoint from their homeland 60 years ago.  They have lived since in refugee camps or crammed into tiny areas like Gaza-an area a sixth the size of Co Derry, with a million and a half people.  Gaza is a prison camp, all borders are closed.  The Israelis regularly cut off food, fuel and medical supplies.  There is no moral or military balance.  This is vicious persecution and colonial occupation.  Israel now says it wants to "finish the job" using the most modern warships, aircraft and missiles.  Compare these to Hamas' largely home-made weapons.
(I nicked most of the above from Davy McCauley's leaflet)
Please join the rally to add your voice to the thousands of voices of protest tomorrow'd better bring a flask of whiskey and a hot water bottle also...and artsy folk might want to make a banner to bring...a few scones would be good...
Hope to see you there :o)
P.S  Please forward to anyone who you think may be interested...thankyou