Dear Friends,

Mumia called three times this week talking about the Penn State child rape scandal and how it echoes the horrors of the prison rape scandal, the champion boxer Joe Frazier, and the impact of the European Monetary Crisis.

Take a minute and check out what the corporate media tried and failed to censor.


“If Mumia Abu-Jamal has nothing important to say, why are so many powerful people trying to kill him and shut him up? Read him.” —John Edgar Wideman

This week Third World Press in Chicago released The Classroom and the Cell, Conversations on Black Life in America by Marc Lamont Hill and Mumia Abu-Jamal. Here are what folks are saying about it.

"This poignant book gives voice to what is rarely heard: African American men speaking for themselves, without barriers or filters, about the many forces impacting their lives. From their discussions about love to those about the state of emergency of our educational is in, Marc Lamont Hill and Mumia Abu-Jamal offer us an important gift of insight and analysis and we must treasure it." - Susan L. Taylor Editor-in-Chief Emeritus, Essence Magazine Founder, National CARES Mentoring Movement

"Mumia Abu-Jamal and Marc Lamont Hill have consistently challenged and inspired me. Now, with this book of conversations, the entire world can see their brilliance, courage and deep love for Black people. This book will change your life!" - Talib Kweli

With your help Prison Radio has continued to exist, to challenge the status quo, by airing prisoners' voices.  The other day I realized that it truly is community media - from KKFI to WBAI, to every pirate radio station in every city in America - that has paved the way for, and inspired this new age of consciousness. Bit by bit, we have been making change possible.

Now, it is even more important to keep aware and become involved.

The decision whether to try Mumia again in Philadelphia only on the sentence - life or death - will be made any day now. Politicians, The Fraternal Order of Police and the Philadelphia DA Seth Williams are in the process of deciding whether Prison Radio commentator Mumia Abu-Jamal will live or die.

They are figuring out “how to best to bury” Mumia. They believe that if they give him life, people will stop listening, the urgency will fade. I think that they failed to have heard the messages of resistance contained in both his words and in the words of his supporters. And surely they have failed to listen to his commentaries. We will not let them bury him.

Join us on Facebook and Twitter and donate.

Ever act of resistance and consciousness that you take remember prisoners makes a difference. Together we are the keeping their voices alive.

We welcome your support.  It takes a mighty effort to do all that is Prison Radio, and you are a key part of making it happen. Click now to DONATE and help us continue.

If you could, consider a gift of 250 dollars, or any amount you can spare, we can continue keeping this lifeline in place. Your gift of 35, 100, 250 or 1000 dollars will make it possible to continue recording prisoners.

If you would like to join our team of staff and volunteers, jump right in and call. It would be wonderful to meet with you. Please visit our new PRISON RADIO BLOG for more information.

Toward justice and freedom with love and respect,

Noelle Hanrahan



SAVE THE DATE: Historic Event for Mumia to be held on Dec. 9 at National Constitution Center

Join Cornel West, Immortal Technique, Vijay Prashad, Michelle Alexander, Ramona Africa, Mark Lamont Hill and many others on the 30th year of Mumia’s wrongful imprisonment.
More info HERE