Urgent Action Alert from Theresa Shoatz:
New Afrikan POW Russell Maroon Shoats has been
suffering from chest
pains. He has repeatedly been ignored by guards when
requesting the
medical attention he urgently needs. On May 13th he
filed a grievance
to address the situation. Only after receiving calls
from his family
did they move him to the medical department.
Now he is in medical but has yet to receive an X-ray
or any treatment.
Please call to demand that Russell Shoats (inmate
#AF-3855 at SCI
Greene) receive a coronary angiography (heart X-ray)
and medical care.
Erma Vhilatal (spell name and a receptionist will
transfer the call)
Medical Department CHCA: 724-852-2902
Superintendant, Warden Mr. Folino: 724-852-5505
And write letters addressed to Dr. Jin and to
Superintendent Folino
and mail them to Russell Shoatz Supporters, P.O. BOX
9476, Phila, PA
More on Russell Maroon Shoats:
Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
415 863-9977
For Freedom,
NYCAnarchist Black Cross Federation
Free All Political Prisoners!
nycjericho@riseup.net • www.jerichony.org