Happy Birthday Bunchy


Drawing of Bunchy Carter


Alprentice "Bunchy" Carter
Born: October 12, 1942
Assassinated: January 17, 1969

Bunchy Carter organized and was the driving force of the Southern California Chapter of the Black Panther Party, the first chapter to be formed outside of Norther California Bay Area. Read what the Black Panther Party newspaper said in commemoration of Bunchy....

Come celebrate Bunchy's birthday and the legacy of the Black Panther Party at the 44th anniversary of the Black Panther Party this Saturday, October 15, a day of documentary film screenings, an exhibit of BPP newspaper covers and artwork, and a slideshow presentation by Emory Douglas, former minister of culture for the BPP. At the Southern California Library, 10 a.m.- 6 p.m. Download flyer...

art walk flyerYou can also check out the Library at the artwalk downtown this Thursday, featuring an exhibit of BPP materials. Download flyer...

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