For Pops


Yesterday I felt you crossing the waters to join the other,

Lumumba, Collier, Kuwasi, Cetewayo, DC, Geronimo,

Dr., Sue, Janet, Safiya, Diane, Nuh, Gil, Storkley., Tupac,

the list goes on...the list grows long

we will miss,your tall wise talesr funny chuckle,


(your smile)

your big heart that touched and housed so many

from strong winds blowing

A kiss, a smile, a teardrop...from me to you


you who modeled to us the true meaning of family.

like crazy glue, you held us bonded, sisters, brothers,

mothers, fathers, aunties, uncles, friends

comrades,in love one to the other....

Yeah Pops

we gon sho nuff miss you...

but just like

Yesterday I felt you crossing the waters to join the others

I feel you right now smiling in a silver cloud...or maybe

a blue moon rising.


Rest in Peace My BROTHER of brothers

Sister Malika

From Allah we come to Allah we return:

Sadly I was informed that my old comrade Ali Bey Hassan, has transitioned an hour and half ago.  Ali Bey was a steadfast activist and revolutionary, his acerbic humor and unwavering courage during our most difficult struggles in and out of the courts, will always be a part of my own life experience, and it is good to know that I had the privilege of being his comrade, and friend.

In struggle

Dhoruba DBW