Jambo Dada ,


  We are happy to report that we struck water at 30 meters deep down by the back shack ...! Praises Be ! Mr. Moja ain call me cuz he too country to use the phone properly. I appreciate your assist w/conveying my sentiments re Brotha Carl.


   Carl Hampton


This is geronimo jiJaga sending these words from Tanzania, East Afrika to assist in commemorating a true and halisi (genuine) Freedom Fighter and high-leader in our Struggle for Liberation ; Comrade, Brother and Homeboy, Carl Hampton.  Carl and I go, as we say, "Way Back"... to the earlier days of the formation of our Southern based Infra-structure .  The strategic importance of the Houston-Dallas region was realized keenly by Brotha Carl and he, along w/ many other warriors from that key region, put together one of the most impressive examples which fueled and supplied the overall effort to free our nation from the awful tentacles of repression, exploitation and death. History records clearly the many obstacles which permeated the racist south during "Segregation/Apartheid" especially and it was from the heat of these scorching fires that Carl's mettle was forged and tested time and time again.... I have to be brief here but it isn't easy because of the enormity of Carl's contributions but be ever mindful that he deserves the highest honors and strongest salutes  for his great leadership, dedication devotion ... and ultimate sacrifice for our National Liberation Struggle. These reasons are easily apparent but it is that which cannot be so apparent that constitutes Carls most impactful contributions as with so many of our "Unsung Heroes"  . Soldiers of the Shadow Forces are hardly ever commemorated w/true justice cuz of the sensitive nature of  this subject  but let us be audacious in our kudos for Carl Hampton was another of our "Shining Stars" in the Spirit of Malik el Hajj Shabazz (aka malcolm x).  As the candle is placed on the Altar of Liberation let us reflect on all of the many achievements and examples of Brotha Carl and let us reaffirm our commitment to continue, with all our might, our fight for halisi Freedom.... One Love,

geronimo ji Jaga 



Holla back when ya can and let me know if these words help. one love,

Laila and tkumsah says habari.
