Peace be upon our warrior in struggle, we love him, his warmth, his smile, his commitment!!!

Peace be upon the family as they cope w/this loss!!


From: Daphne MsLyricology Burnett - 1/13/12

The LORD has called my dad home today...I'm numb, but not sad, because I've had some really great times with my last physical moment with my dad on his birthday, Dec. 29, 2011...and on Jan. 1, 2012, I called him to wish him a Happy New Year...he answered the phone...the conversation was brief, because of oxygen. But I said; dad happy 2012, he said; I made it to 2012 and I said, because your a warrior. " Born to struggle...Struggle to win ". I. Burnett Jr.



Vicente "Panama' Alba
Tel # 917 626 5847

"Lets Be Realistic
Lets Do The Impossible"
Ernesto "Che" Guevara