There will be an 'International Memorial Tribute', in conjunction with a repast, immediately following the funeral. Anyone that would like to take opportunity to say a few words in memory of, and in tribute to, our brother; please contact us via e-mail so that your name can be put on a 'roster'. Please  keep your statement to 2 - 3 minutes; considering there may be quite a few people wanting to pay tribute. To be placed on the roster, send an e-mail to that effect to: Include your full name.  
Place: Fernwood Baptist Church 
         10057 So. Wallace  Chgo. Il. 
         Activities will start @ 3:00 p.m.

Sending Cards and Checks: 
Cards and checks and money orders made payable to Veretta Knox can be sent to:

Veretta Knox
PO Box 09175
Chicago, IL 60609-9175

