
You can help New Orleans right now by going
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If you want to know why this is so important,
read on...

Right now, they're packing up their belongings
preparing to leave their homes for no one knows
how long.

Their minds are filled with questions like
where they're going to sleep, what they'll
eat, what's going to happen to their kid's

One thing the citizens of New Orleans can count
on is that while they're completely preoccupied and
unable to defend themselves, the media slander machine
led by Fox News will be kicking them when they're
down - just like they did three years ago.

"They're freeloaders. They're corrupt. They
shouldn't live there etc."

Anything to cover the basic fact that the US
has abandoned its citizens, its infrastructure,
and even its future in a mad power grab
overseas that is sucking up hundreds of billions
of dollars while basic services at home go begging.

Make no mistake...New Orleans is ground zero
for the US.

Your city is next.

If we don't draw a line in the sand here and now
and insist that the government take responsibility
for its failed levees and other infrastructure,
you might has well start practicing your goose step.

Because that's the next logical stop for the
trajectory we're on.

How much more contempt does the government have
to show for its citizens to make it any clearer?

Being informed helps. Informing others helps too.

Because of the efforts of a lot of people, we are
now the #11 highest rated "News and Politics"
video on YouTube today...even with all the convention

We need your help to move "The Katrina Myth" further
up the rankings so more people will see this important

Go, view, comment, rate and ask others to do the same:

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