- The Black Commentator

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Dear Billy X Jennings,

You have been sent the following web page link as a courtesy of The Black Commentator.

It has been said that to build a present-day mass movement we need to capture the energy, the enthusiasm, the risk taking spirit of our youth. Well, self-interest is always a great motivator. Back when I was a youhg man, one of the reasons to become involved in the movement for human liberation was the fact we were liable to be drafted into a racist army to fight, kill and perhaps die in an evil unjust imperial war in Vietnam. For black youth today's draft is not into the military, but straight into prison, as a third or more face with actuarial certainty the prospect of prison before the age of 30. We will never earn nor do we deserve the motivated political allegiance of today's young black people till have helped them build and unleash a mass movement against our nation's policies of racially selective mass imprisonment. In the Black Commentator article I try to sketch some of the broad outlines of how we can begin to put the issue of racially selective mass incarceration of black youth on the political front burner. I am sending you this link in the hope that you will read it, think about it, offer any helpful or appropriate criticism, and consider what action you might be willing to take, beginning with forwarding this message to someone else. Thank you. Respectfully, Bruce Dixon Marietta GA

For other pages from The Black Commentator, please visit http://www.blackcommentator.com.

- Bruce A. Dixon


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