Hello dear friends: I'm delighted to let you know that my piece Battle of Chicago 68 was published last week in Counterpunch on line -- just in time for the Democratic &  Republican conventions: Here's the link.


Ever since my breast cancer,  I've been spending my time writing a memoir called Yippie Girl, of which this is a chapter. Writing is a good way for me to process Stew's death, but it turns out I'm also resurrecting Judy Gumbo, which is great. I've received a lot of "thank you for what you did"  comments, many of which are addressed to all of us, so I wanted to pass the thank you's on to you as well.


Hope you enjoy this -- and, if you can, please act as an informal fact checker when you read it, & let me know if anything problematic jumps out for you.



Lots of love to you,
Judy Gumbo

"A discriminating irreverence is the creator and protector of human liberty." Mark Twain