21 JULY 2010


1)       NEWS: Oliver Stone Sets the Record Straight on BBC Today Programme

2)       NEWS; Oliver Stone on BBC Breakfast

3)       NEWS: Successful Premiere of South of the Border/ Showing in Parliament

4)       ACTION: South of the Border: How You Can Help!

5)       MEDIA ANALYSIS: Mark Weisbrot Reviews the Reviewers/ VSC Blog on Media Misrepresentation


1)       Oliver Stone Sets the Record Straight on BBC Today Programme

Speaking to Today presenter Justin Webb this morning, Oliver Stone said he hoped his new film would "redresses an imbalance" in the US approach to Venezuela and South America, which was experiencing a "social transformation, adding that “these people all want independence from the US, and they would like to keep the resources of their country for the benefit of the majority of their people." You can listen to the interview here .


2)       Oliver Stone on BBC Breakfast

Oliver Stone also appeared on today’s TV Breakfast show and the interview can be seen here .


3)       Successful Premiere of South of the Border / Showing in Parliament

The Curzon in Mayfair hosted the packed premiere of Oliver Stone's new film South of the Border on Monday. To see photos of the event and watch a short clip with comment from Stone at the event see here . Oliver Stone also spoke to a packed audience of MPs and others at an event organised by Labour Friends of Venezuela on Tuesday, saying that "Venezuela has made great advances in health and education. However, nobody hears about this in the US."


4)       South of the Border: How You Can Help!

§Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â  Attend a screening at your local cinema

§Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â  Ask your local cinema or film club to show the film

§Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â  Organise a screening in your area or organisation - info@venezuelasolidarity.co.uk for info

§Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â  Sign up for news at southoftheborder.dogwoof.com and connect at facebook/southborderuk


5)       Mark Weisbrot Reviews the Reviewers/ VSC Blog on Media Misrepresentation

Mark Weisbrot – co-writer of the film – has written that “media coverage of the new Oliver Stone film displays just the kind of ignorance of US/Latin American relations it decries.” Read the full piece here . VSC also has a blog on the South of the Border website about the film and media misrepresentation here .