Subject: Send the Cuba Travel Ban to the Trash Bin!



  <>  Travel to Cuba!
 Upcoming Cuba Research Delegations
March 14-24: Mental Health, Social Service and Health Care Workers  - -Sign up now! <>
June 28-July 7:  <> Professional Organizers  <>

July 18 - 28:  <> Professional Educators <>    
Time to Mobilize to Change U.S. Policy toward Cuba!

Witness for Peace has worked for the past decade to change the senseless and cruel U.S. policies toward Cuba.  Along with our partners, we have identified the strategic opportunity to end the ridiculous ban on travel by U.S. residents to Cuba as a first step in building fully normalized relations with our island neighbor. President Obama has promised to open up travel for Cuban Americans to visit their families in Cuba, but we must seize this moment to end the travel ban for all U.S. residents once and for all. 

If we mobilize now, we have the best chance we've ever had to end the travel ban.

We now have legislation in the House of Representatives calling for an end to the travel ban on Cuba for all Americans. "Travel for All" instead of "Travel for None" or even "Travel for Some."

Take action now: Ask your representative to co-sponsor H.R. 874.

The purpose of H.R. 874 is "To allow travel between the United States and Cuba"- but the most important thing to remember about it is that it will allow travel for all Americans--no exclusions. It was introduced by Representatives Bill Delahunt (D-MA) and Jeff Flake (R-AZ), along with a short list of original co-sponsors (below).

Call and/or email <>  your representative today.

Capitol Switchboard number: (202) 224-3121.

The message:

"Please co-sponsor H.R. 874, the Delahunt-Flake bill "To allow travel between the United States and Cuba."

This bill introduced by Rep. Delahunt (D-MA) and Rep. Flake (R-AZ) calls for lifting travel restrictions to Cuba for ALL Americans, restoring our right as citizens of the United States to travel freely, and takes a giant step toward restoring our country's reputation in Latin America and the world.

[If they ask . . . ]The original co-sponsors are:

Rep. Delahunt,Bill [MA-10]
Rep. Flake,Jeff[AZ-6]
Rep DeLauro,Rosa L. [CT-3] - 2/4/2009
Rep Edwards,Donna F. [MD-4] - 2/4/2009
Rep Emerson,Jo Ann [MO-8] - 2/4/2009
Rep Farr,Sam [CA-17] - 2/4/2009
Rep McGovern,James P. [MA-3] - 2/4/2009
Rep Moran,Jerry [KS-1] - 2/4/2009
Rep Paul,Ron [TX-14] - 2/4/2009

Thank you for your support in ending this inhumane and out-dated travel ban. To co-sponsor H.R. 874 please contact either Cliff Stammerman in Rep. Delahunt's office or Chandler Morse in Rep. Flake's office."

Click here to send your representative an e-mail with this same message. <>
Give us your feedback about your contact with your congressional office.Send us a message at with answers to the following questions:

How did you contact your member's office; did you call or e-mail them?
Did your member's office agree or disagree with your position on Cuba policy?
Did the office agree or seem interested in co-sponsoring H.R. 874?
Does the office need more information or a follow-up conversation?
To read H.R. 874 and to see current co-sponsors,, search for bills and enter H.R. 874 in the search box.

Thank you for your commitment to changing Cuba policy and for answering our calls for action. Together we can use this unique opportunity to change U.S.-Cuba policy.

In solidarity,

Melinda St. Louis, Executive Director

Thanks to our partners at LAWG <>  for the content of this alert.

P.S. WFP is consulting to provide legal research delegations for professional health care workers, educators and nonprofit organizers.  The health care delegation begins March 14.  Learn more here! <>