



Revision film seasons are brought to you by Isis Amlak and Joanna Berridge, working collectively alongside others with whom our aims resonate. Previously our partners have included Refugee Youth, Tawantinsuyu Nation, and filmmakers Ken Fero and Fahim Alam.

Systemically, all social institutions in the West peddle a single story, a predominantly white male 'his' story. Our screenings aim to challenge the dominant distorted narrative fed to the population - the single story - in the UK, and beyond.Revision is an antidote - we aim to create space for other voices to be heard. Many of the films we screen would not get the opportunity to be shown on the big screen elsewhere.


This October, for our Black History Season, we will be working with the Pan-African Society Community Forum, RMT Black Workers, global Afrikan Congress, Black Nine Films and the Portobello Pop-Up Cinema to bring two very important fiilms to West London. 


                           Black History is World History 


Please see details below:

Saturday 5th October, 7-10.30pm - £5 entry

Long Distance Revolutionary - A Journey with Mumia Abu-Jamal
Join us for the London Premier plus intimate Q&A with legendary Black Panther and former political prisoner Bob Brown.

Mumia Abu-Jamal is a gifted journalist who was sentenced to death in 1981 for allegedly killing a policeman. The evidence was flimsy with most witnesses retracting their statements and admitting police coerced them. Three decades later Mumia remains in jail. This was and is a blatant attempt to silence him. His work has long exposed the racist and supremacist ideals that the US and wider political structures are founded on. Now, after more than 30 years in prison and despite multiple attempts to silence him, Mumia is not only still alive but continuing to report, educate, provoke and inspire from inside his prison walls. Long Distance Revolutionary tells the story of one of the most important revolutionary voices of our time.

Sunday 6th October, 7-10pm - £5 entry

Africa's Black Star - The Political Rise and Fall of Dr Kwame Nkrumah
Join us for the latest documentary from BlackNine Films plus Q&A with filmmaker, Nuakai Aru, Dr Ama Biney, Asari St-Hill and Marika Sherwood.

Africa's Black Star is the latest documentary from BlackNine Films. It follows Dr Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana's and Africa's first independent president after colonial rule, who was dubbed "the Man of the Millennium" by BBC World Service listeners. Using a wealth of archive material the film explores the man who is such a significant figure in recent African history, yet is relatively unknown in the West.  The film charts Nkrumah’s formative years, through his 20's and 30's, as he travels to the US and UK, and is influenced by characters such as Marcus Garvey, W.E.B. Dubois and George Padmore.


Portobello Pop-Up Cinema

@ The Acklam Village
274 Portobello Road
London W10 5TY 

To Ladbroke Grove - 7, 23, 52, 70, 228, 295, 452
To Westborne Park - 23, 28, 31, 328 
To Notting Hill Gate - 27, 94, 148

Ladbroke Grove or Westbourne Park on the Hammersmith and City Line 
or Notting Hill Gate on the Central Line


Like our FB page for more info @


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Peace & Blessings


Isis and Jo

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