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SF Bay View named Best of the Bay! Help us celebrate!
We won! The SF Bay Guardian, the Bay Area’s biggest weekly, named the SF Bay View Best of the Bay! That’s a big deal around here. The Guardian invented “Best of …” awards 35 years ago. I’m proud and amazed to say that this is our third Best of the Bay. The Bay View newspaper won in 1998; then in 2003 publisher Willie Ratcliff was named Best of the Bay: Local Hero.
Come help us celebrate tonight and on Wednesday:
Tonight, Friday, July 31, 6:30 p.m., at Station 40, 3030B 16th St., off Mission in San Francisco’s Mission District, POCC Chairman Fred Hampton Jr. hosts the third stop on his tour marking the 40th anniversary of the assassination of Black Panthers Chairman Fred Hampton and Defense Captain Mark Clark, featuring the film “The Assassination of Chairman Fred” followed by updates on resistance struggles around the world. Bay View Arts Editor Wanda Sabir is MC.
This one is a fundraiser for the SF Bay View newspaper (no admission but donations welcome), and we are in URGENT need. The first two stops on Chairman Fred’s tour, in LA and Oakland, have been big standing-room-only successes. So spread the word and come if you possibly can, but if you can’t, please consider sending a donation. Donate to SF BayView online either directly or tax deductibly or mail your donation to SF Bay View, 4917 Third St., San Francisco CA 94124. Thanks for your love, whether expressed tangibly or spiritually.
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Wednesday, Aug. 5, 8 p.m., at the Mezzanine, 444 Jesse at Mint, downtown San Francisco, is the Bay Guardian’s big bash “Best of the Bay” party. Enter on Mission between Fifth and Sixth. It’s free before 9, $10 after. Info and updates at www.sfbg.com/bobparty. Proceeds go to the Bay Guardian Community Fund. Enjoy Sila and the Afrofunk Experience, Sellassie, the Lusty Lady Dancers and more. Help us say, “Thank you, Bay Guardian!” Pick up a copy of the July 29 Bay Guardian and read some kind words about the Bay View on page 24 and check out the mighty fine photo on page 29 or go online to http://www.sfbg.com/entry.php?page=3&entry_id=8924&catid=&volume_id=398&issue_id=442&volume_num=43&issue_num=44. That mighty fine photo is also on the back page of the August Bay View in print.
Here are a few good reasons to check out the SF Bay View website too – our latest stories; more on Black August will be posted in the next day or two:
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger doesn’t give a damn by Apollonia
Black August by Mumia
U.N. advisors host town hall on forced evictions in New Orleans
Post-racial my ass! On the arrest of Henry Louis Gates in his own home
Casualties of war, excellent commentary on Lovelle Mixon from Robert Saleem Holbrook behind enemy lines
The California Foreclosure Prevention Fraud of 2009
Chained in childbirth: Gov. Paterson urged to sign bill that protects pregnant prisoners
Democrats sell out California’s poor, elderly and disabled in budget deal
The Bay View Calendar of Events is the activist’s guide to making a difference, and Bay View Pen Pals help you find a new friend behind enemy lines and be the best (and often only) therapy for a lonely prisoner. Thanks, everyone, for your support.
Mary Ratcliff, editor@sfbayview.com
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