Greeting to all "Panther Cubs"! How are you today?!

It's Christeus Abbey again!


Well it was a good idea to do a short "bio" of me to share my life with you!

As life would have it,lots of twists and angles.Some  happy,some sad, and some very  confusing!


So here goes


While we were still in Oakland,our  mother's parole  had been revoked, she returnd Oklahoma Women's State Prison at McAlester. Sol and I left Oakland;July,1974

Arrived back in home-town; Idabel,Oklahoma.

Victor Hogg ( was there in Oakland with us and our mother,Norma Gist) saw us safely back to our Grandmother, Ella L. Spagner.

He stayed a few days with us.I will never forget Victor! He was a very interesting person and a good  friend to us.


By the way?...anybody know where he is? is he still living?... Please let me know...

So forth and so on...


Our mother came home later  that year, for as I can  think.It was  very strange having her back. I had become so accostomed to her not being there. She  was like a stranger  to me  at least.As well as it should be in those  times. All the  emotional upheavals and  the downlows I had experience throughout my life. As it was , I was growing up, (didn't want to)

I wanted to pick up from where my happy life ended (which was maybe at the age of 2?).

It goes without saying that times  were very difficult for all  people of color.Parents lived a the pain,children felt the experince of it.


So Idabel was no different that when we left.I was just older. The troubles I had experienced as being Norma Jean  Spagner Gist's daughter continued.I had never known my  mother to ever back out of a fight. She put her heart into everything she did. As it was,we got back into  school.(That was  strange, because Oklahome had  banned us from ever attending it's schools again!)That event is one of the  reasons we went to the S.N.I. Youth Institute. Confused.

But I made the best if it!


When I was banned from school,I was in 3rd grade. On returning to classes, went right into 6th grade. Never went to 4th grade..I only spent 2 or 3 months in 5th grade. but  made the best of it!

Trail after trial. Test after test.


Mom  continued as she usually did.And being the Activist she always been. Helping people to be  the best they could be As me and  Sol,she was "mama"and continued to  design and make  clothes for us.


So by 1975,summertime,were making plans to leave Idabel. Mom had done what she could to make a life there. But I was time to shake off the dust and move on.


October 17,1976-We settled here in  Kansas City,Mo.

Where I have been since.


1976--Attended Pioneer Community College.

1977--Attended Mid-America Modeling Agency-School. 

1978--Enrolled into Northeast Senior High School.

Dropped out high school.

1979--Became pregnant;I enrolled into Job Corps At Excelsior Springs,Mo. to continue with G.E.D. Classes.

1980--Left there for maternity leave.

1980--My son,Christian was born

1981--Enrolled into G.E.D. classes

Move out of  mom's house.

1982--My daughter,Zoe was born.

1983--Became a Born-again Christian;Married.


I learned a lot about life and myself through this time.

I been the homemaker;the animal rights activist(still am!)

From this time since Many more tests and trials have come to me.


1999,March;--The enemy got into a man,and caused him to break into my home, by kicking in my door. I was attacked and  stabbed twice in to back. Which resulted  in me  hospitalized 3 weeks+,with calapsed lung and reparing of my colon,because of the puctures..I had a colostomy for 5 months to heal.This just on of the many difficult  experiences. But  through all of them  God had remained Faithful. Even when we  dont understand what is going on , He is Faithful! He promised to never leave me, and never forsake me. Even when we think things cant get any worse.The Lord of Lords and King of kings shows who he is. Because he's always there for us! I've  learned  that no matter what has happened or what will happen, He is the source of strength throughout successes, and what we call "failures" But any thing we put out heart into,we never fail at that thing.  


These days I am single. Have three children; the 2 mentioned earlier and  Isaac, he's 18.

He has Autism, (another one of my tests).in spite of that,Isaac is just like any other person.He likes  to look at the "Black Panther Party  photographs,I want to wear my hair like them!" 

 "They were strong not because they wanted to be, but because they had to be."I say.

To show "The powers that be" cannot do people what they would desire to.Because we trust in  the Lord


I am now a business owner this is my website:

Go to: Opportunity. If you'd like to have your home-business also.

Blessings,talk to you soon!


Christeus P. Abbey


(We left lots of our clothes there at the Institute. Any chance of  anybody having kept a piece or two?!Hope so,would love to see them!)


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