Obama Sam Obama's Emerging Legacy: Wars, Bankers and For-Profit Healthcare


by BAR executive editor Glen Ford

The first Black president has racked up some impressive victories. Barack Obama has quarantined single-payer healthcare advocates, crushed dissent against the war in Congress, and transferred more money to the finance capital class than at any time in planetary history. Not bad for just five months in office. "At some point in the near future Barack Obama will become inextricably associated in the public mind with Big Capital - and deservedly so."
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Darfur "Genocide" Lies Unraveling - Only 1,500 Darfuris Died in 2008, Says African Union


darfur again


by BAR managing editor Bruce A. Dixon

For more than five years, the Save Darfur Coalition has used a slick and star-studded multimillion dollar ad campaign to paint a horrific vision of 400,000 dead in a black vs Arab war of extermination. No historic or political causes are offered for this scenario; it's genocide a case of good vs. evil demanding our attention and action. But the big lies underpinning the Save Darfur campaign are coming undone. Reporters, scholars and even US envoys are returning from the region affirming that if there ever was a genocide in Darfur, and there may not have been, there isn't one now. The British government has even ruled that Save Darfur cannot, in that country, use the figure of 400,000 dead which it throws around in all its US advertisements, cause it just ain't true.

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Cynthia McKinney

McKinney Rejoins Voyage to Defy US-Israeli Blockade of Gaza - "Sink Us or Arrest Usl"


by The Editors

When the Free Gaza Movement attempted to send a boatload of supplies to Gaza last December, the Israeli Navy rammed the vessel, the Dignity, almost sinking it. This week, activists will send two boats on the voyage from Cyprus to Gaza, carrying cement, toys and 38 passengers, among them former U.S. Rep. Cynthia Mckinney, who was also aboard the Dignity. Ms. McKinney sent a letter to President Obama, filling him in on the Gaza mission.

gaza childFreedom Rider: Selective Sympathy for Iran


by BAR editor and senior columnist Margaret Kimberley

The United States reserves for itself the right to say what and when the world should be watching.  "People who work for peace and justice must show skepticism when the media tell them who deserves their attention and advocacy efforts." The world, as defined by U.S. Corporate media, turned its head when "1,400 Gazans were killed so that Israel might inflict collective punishment on a civilian population." The U.S. Feigns great concern for the human rights of Iranians, but continues threaten a military attack. Real human rights proponents "must always keep in mind that warfare is the worst human rights abuse of all."

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highway stimulus money

Letter to Obama: Blacks Fear Shut Out of Highway Stimulus Contracts

A Black Agenda Radio Commentary by Glen Ford 

Click the mic to download an mp3 copy of this BA Radio commentary.

The "rising tide" of economic stimulus that President Obama promises will "lift all boats" from the depths of economic crisis, may leave Blacks at the bottom, once again. "Black contractors and elected officials now fear that African Americans will be cut out of the huge, one-time increase in federal highway money under the economic stimulus program passed this year." In a letter to administration officials, the National Black Chamber of Commerce warns that stimulus money is flowing down the "same racist channels" that have denied highway contracts and jobs to African Americans.
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somaili fightersPuppet Government of Somalia Invites Everybody to Invade

A Black Agenda Radio Commentary by Glen Ford 

Click the flash player below to listen to or the mic to download an mp3 copy of this BA Radio commentary.

In what should be its last gasp, the regime that claims to govern Somalia, "huddled in a corner of Mogadishu," the capital, has "called on 'Kenya, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Yemen' - anybody! - to save them from what it called 'terrorists.'" The Ethiopians, who installed the mini-state after invading  Somalia with U.S. support in 2006, are already on the move in the country - whose soil they never left. But a larger invasion to beat back Islamist/nationalist fighters can only occur with "active U.S. coordination and logistical support." President Obama may get a war of his own in Africa.
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teachers protest school closingsStanford U Study Shows Charter Schools Perform Worse Than Comparable Public Schools


A Black Agenda Radio Commentary by Glen Ford 

Click the flash player below to listen to or the mic to download an mp3 copy of this BA Radio commentary.

The myth has been shattered: a new study shows charter schools perform worse than traditional public schools. In only 17 percent of charter schools do students surpass their demographically matched regular school peers in math and reading. More than twice that many charters rate worse than traditional classrooms, while close to half are about equal. Despite the data, the Obama administration "continues to demand that 5,000 schools be shut down, and their teachers fired" - a disproportionate share of them Black.   Their "position is based on ideology, not empirical data."

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Jamaica Broadcasting is Born: A fi we! A no fi dem!

john Maxwellby John Maxwell

Veteran journalist John Maxwell was there at the beginning: 1959, the start of the Jamaica Broadcasting Corporation. "For the first time at last, it wasn't really necessary to listen to the BBC." Successive governments, especially those of the Jamaica Labour Party, attempted to varying degrees to shape the JBC to their own political purposes. But, says Maxwell, "It is my opinion that in its short periods of independence, the JBC helped begin the transformation of Jamaica from an ignorant colonial backwater into a civilized society."

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 igbo wedding

Tradition of Same Gender Marriage in Igboland, Nigeria

by Leo Igwe

Black homophobes often invoke "African" culture to buttress their arguments against gay rights, including the right to marry. But, according to the author, a native of southern Nigeria, the Igbo culture has long nurtured same-sex couples consisting of "woman-husband" and "woman-wife." The practice is entirely indigenous. "This marriage practice pre-dates Christianity and the so- called western culture which most people today blame for all the moral and cultural wrongs in Africa.

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Bruce A. Dixon
Managing Editor,
Black Agenda Report
Skype me at bruce.a.dixon

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