We have been getting calls from around the world asking if we had some Lovell Mixon coverage, among other things, here it is.

1. This is a link to the Block Reort Radio interview wit' Lovell Mixons family.

2. Here is a commentary that the POCC Minister of Information JR did about the Lovell Mixon situation

3. Here is an interview that MOI JR did wit' Angela Davis, about her writing the forward to Mumia's newly released book, "Jailhouse Lawyers".

4. Here is an interview that MOI JR did wit' The POCC's Chairman Fred Hampton Jr and Counterpunch writer George Chicarrillo about the Oscar Grant/Police Terrorism Movement in the Bay Area.

5. Here is an interview that MOI JR did wit' Martina Davis, the sister of deathrow inmate Troy Anthony Davis. She gave an update on his case while she was in Oakland.

6. Here is an interview that MOI JR did wit' Andrew Young, one of the Oakland 100 who was arrested on the first night of the Oakland Rebellions.
The Minister of Information JR
POCC Block Report Radio