Malcolm X Commemoration Committee

PO Box 380-122 ~ Brooklyn, New York 11238

tel: 718-512-5008 / email:

for more info on PP/POWs visit: or

Herman Ferguson

Chairman Emeritus

January 2012

?To the Righteous at Heart? Jalil Muntaqim

For fifteen years, you who believe ?you can jail the revolutionary, but you can?t jail the revolution? have helped make the Malcolm X Commemoration Committee Dinner Tribute to the Families of our Political Prisoners & Prisoners of War a community institution. On Saturday, January 28th, 2012 from 3pm-7pm we will host our 16th annual ?ONE STRUGGLE, Many Fronts? Dinner Tribute at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Labor Center at 310 West 43rd Street in Manhattan with co-hosts poet/author, asha bandele and dead prez hip-hop artist/activist, M1*(invited); dinner will be served at 4pm, keynote speakers are Dhoruba Bin Wahad, himself a former PP/POW, Black Panther Party/Black Liberation Army and Monifa Bandele, the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, with cultural presentations by Harlem?s own Poet Laureate, George Edward Tait (his newest book, ?Swordsongs? will be available for purchase) and song stylist, Akosua Tait.

While corporate media and mainstream america popularize the current global ?Occupy? protests, many of us recognize that our PP/POWs and their families have, for more than three decades, endured the capitalist indifference and invisibility, state-sanctioned police violence, alienation and disenfranchisement of the criminal injustice and prison industrial system, poverty, mass unemployment, foreclosures, homelessness, lack affordable housing/healthcare that middle America is now experiencing. This Dinner allows us to give thanks to these families for unselfishly and involuntarily sacrificing so much to the struggle for self-determination, justice, Black Liberation and other progressive movements, and for shouldering the tremendous spiritual, physical and financial burdens placed on them by the Cointelpro targeting, assassinations, criminalization and unjust imprisonment of their loved ones come what may.

Ultimately, it is up to us to ?Pick up the Work? necessary to Liberate our freedom fighters from the dungeons of the u.s. prison system; for those folk actively engaged in the everyday work of supporting our PP/POWS, strengthening the ties that bind, speaking out, maintaining legal support, attempting to build political support, writing, visiting, accepting collect phone calls, sending packages, organizing fundraising events, even checking on PP/POWs family members from time to time, we say Asanta Sana! You are appreciated! Community support is critical to the work MXCC does, and our ability to raise monies for the commissary accounts of our PP/POWs. We hope in the face of what may be limited and/or constrained financial resources, you can and will continue to join us in honoring our courageous warriors and their families.

If you cannot attend, please Donate! Support those who supported and defended us!!

Until all of us is FREE, none of us is FREE!!!

FREE THE LAND!  d?qui kioni-sadiki & Mani Gilyard, co-chairs