Freedom Is A Constant Struggle:  Fridays, 7:30 - 7:52 p.m., SF Live, Cable 76, (no archives).  Hosted by Kiilu.


Sept. 12 - Guest, Attorney Dennis Cunnngham, the people's lawyer, was the first lawyer to go to Attica State Prison in the wake of the massacre of prisoners and guards on orders from NY Gov. Nelson Rockefeller on Sept. 13, 1971.  When it ended 39 were dead, hundreds wounded, and more than 1,000 tortured.  Dennis stayed until the whole case was finished nearly 30 years later. 


Beginnng in 1968, Chicago, Dennis started the People's Law Office that defended the Weathermen, the Black Panthers, Young Lords, Rise Up Angry, SDS and the Young Patriots.  Later, in San Francisco, Dennis defended and won victory in the Judi Bari and Pepper Spray 8 cases, among many others involving police/FBI misconduct..  He is currently assisting in the SF8 case.



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