


Some of Us Are Brave: A Black Women's Radio Program

Vol. 1, No. 6                                                                                                                                    2.18.2011




"The mission of SOUAB is to provide an empowering space for women of Afrikan descent - to assist them in finding their voices and speaking their truths, their experiences and their perspectives to the world; to be a resource for the communities from which we come; and to make a contribution to the global movement for racial, economic, political and social justice and peace"











For a synopsis of the films listed to the right,

you can "left click" on the photo,


"right click" and then open the link in a "new window"








Greetings Listeners, Supporters, Friends of Some of Us Are Brave.  Yes, it's been a lonnnggg time since we communicated with you.  No, we have not been restored to our previous 60 minute format @ KPFK.  We met with Interim Program Director Alan Minsky and found out that we had been lied to; that as Black women we really are not respected @ KPFK, and that maybe, when a new General Manager is hired, maybe we can have our time restored, but it does not look promising. 

Bleak outlooks are nothing new to Black women - the ones who came before us persevered and so will we.

So, we'll keep it moving.

And we'll keep you posted.

Everybody needs a break, especially from disrespect, so, in the meantime, we invite you to hang out with us this weekend at the 2011 Pan African Film Festival in Culver City.  We, along with several other grassroots groups are Community Collaborators on several films so come check us out!

All films will be shown @ the Culver Plaza Theaters, 9919 Washington Blvd., across from Sony Studios and the Kirk Douglas Theater, in Culver City.

Unless specified otherwise, all tickets for these films are $11 at the Culver Plaza Theaters box office

"Cointelpro 101," Saturday, 2/19 @ 1:45 PM

Community Collaborators:

Black August Los Angeles, Jericho Amnesty Movement

"Hope and Redemption: The Lena Baker Story,"

Saturday, 2/19 @ 3:40 PM

Community Collaborator:

Some of Us Are Brave Radio

"Mountains That Take Wing: Conversations with

Yuri Kochiyama and Angela Davis,"

Saturday, 2/19 @ 6:30 PM

Community Collaborator:

Some of Us Are Brave Radio

"The Black August Hip Hop Project,"

Saturday, 2/19 @ 10:00 PM

Community Collaborators:

Black August Los Angeles, Some of Us Are Brave Radio, Mother's Day Radio, Jericho Amnesty Movement

"Besouro," Saturday, 2/20 @ 3:00 PM

Community Collaborator:

Capoeira Angola Center Ngolo Arts

"Gang Girl: A Mother's Journey to Save Her Daughter,"

Monday, 2/21 @ 12:15 PM

Community Collaborators:

Some of Us Are Brave Radio, Mother's Day Radio


You can subscribe to a podcast, download, and/or listen to the past 90 days' worth of SOUAB on the KPFK website @ You can also find info on our guests there.  Just look on the left side of the screen for "Audio Archives" and scroll down to "Some of Us Are Brave."


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