Dr. John Carlos in San Francisco, Berkeley and Oakland!


You’ve seen the poster a million times, now join legendary civil rights fighter and champion athlete Dr. John Carlos in events to celebrate the release of his new autobiography.


John Carlos, Angela Davis and Clarence Thomas



Wednesday, November 30 at 7pm at Laney College in Oakland

Bistro Theatre on campus

With special guests: Angela Davis and Clarence Thomas

Donation requested at door. 


Thursday, December 1 at UC Berkeley at 4pm

With special guest:  Prof. Waldo Martin

Donation requested at door.


Friday, December 2 at Mission High School in San Francisco at 7pm

With special guest:  David Zirin and Clarence Thomas

Tix for Mission High event on sale now!



            $5 students/unemployed

            $15 general admission

            $100 VIP/Solidarity price


Please help!  As you can imagine, the costs of sponsoring part of a national tour like this are considerable.  You can help us make sure the John Carlos story is heard far and wide by going online today and purchasing a ticket for the Mission High event.  If you cannot attend, but would like to support the event, just purchase a ticket online and then contact ToddChretien@mac.com and we’ll make that ticket available for someone who cannot afford it.  Times are tight, but if you are able, please consider buying a VIP/Solidarity ticket or two.  Your generosity will help Haymarket and our publishing projects.  For a complete list of our publications, go to www.HaymarketBooks.org



Watch a trailer for Dr. John Carlos   http://www.haymarketbooks.org/event/3339


All details available at www.NorCalSocialism.org


Events sponsored by Haymarket Books, the Multi-Ethnic Sports Hall of Fame, the Black Student Union at Laney College and the International Socialist Organization.

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