Santa Rosa October 22nd Coalition March and Rally to Stop Police Brutality, 
Repression, & the Criminalization of a Generation
Santa Rosa represents our region in this year's Historic 12th National Day of 
Protest to Stop Police Brutality, to give collective voice to People's grave 
concerns about law enforcement, both locally and globally.
Santa Rosa, CA – On Oct. 22nd, 2007 the People of Sonoma County will march 
through Santa Rosa neighborhoods to protest the 9 deaths of  people killed in 
the past year by local law enforcement. All people of the Bay Area are 
encouraged to unite at this march and rally TO STOP POLICE ABUSE OF POWER. The 
march begins at 4PM in Southwest Community Park (Hearn & Burbank Aves; 5PM 
feeder march from Sebastopol Rd and West Ave), followed by a 6PM rally in Old 
Courthouse Square (4th St and Mendocino Ave). There will be an open microphone 
at the rally. Speakers expected include surviving loved ones of victims, people 
who suffer from past and present police abuses, and all others who wish to 
speak.  This escalating, brutal abuse affects the whole of our diverse 
community, uniting us all under one veil of oppression.  
This terrifying epidemic of deadly force is long established: From Apr. 1, 1995 
to March 10, 1998, at least 15 people were killed by local police or died 
in-custody. From Jan. 7, 2000 to Sept. 24, 2007, at least 35 people were killed 
by local police or died in-custody. In a recent 9 week period, local police shot 
and killed 5. Two deaths resulted from 911 calls for mental health assistance by 
family members of people in crisis and ended in officers tragically killing both 
16-year old Jeremiah Chass, and Richard Desantis, father of 2. Adding to the 
body count is: Haki Thurston unarmed & shot 27 times, Luis Sanchez, shot 7 
times, and Walter Heller, unarmed & Tased. In the County Jail, family pleas to 
get desired medical care for Ryan George's sickle cell anemia went ignored by 
the Sheriff. This 22 year-old black man died, leaving behind his pregnant 
fiancée. In the latest trend of in-custody deaths, Richard Williamson Jr. and 
Gregorey Townsley both died despite informing jail staff t
hat they would suffer treatable symptoms of withdrawal associated with diseases 
of addiction. The Sheriff continues to respond that policies surrounding medical 
issues are adequate.  Numerous forums have emerged to stop this plague of 
abuses, drawing concern from: US Commission on Civil Rights, Committee for Civil 
Rights, Committee for Immigrant Rights, NAACP, ACLU, County of Refuge, AIM, 
MEChA, Copwatch, Peace and Justice Center of Sonoma County, & NAMI. A widely 
representative cross-section of the community calls for systemic change.  
Every day, people of color; Latino, African-American, Asian-Americans, Native 
American, and especially youth, are racially profiled by police. MAGNET - a 
militarized unit, led by the Sheriff, supposedly targets gang violence. Though 
not required by law, the Sheriff has requested that ICE (Immigration & Customs 
Enforcement) collaborate with MAGNET to deport people not proven guilty of 
crimes. These deportations tear families apart. Youth seeking healthy social 
outlet find their clubs raided and shut down by Santa Rosa Police, as with 
Epiphany, a popular Santa Rosa night spot. Ineffective DUI checkpoints sweep 
working class neighborhoods for minor infractions, impounding cars of those who 
can least afford it. Local police agencies benefit financially from impounds and 
tickets while also benefiting through increased social control and decreased 
community empowerment.    
We believe that resisting these abuses of power is both necessary and possible. 
The community will be taking to the street on October 22nd. Wear black in 
solidarity with those who’ve died at the hands of law enforcement. Please join 
us in action and in speaking out to Unite! Resist! Liberate! 
Robert Edmonds - Death Toll/Policy/Immigration  707-292-7642
Myriah Sierra - Women/Youth  602-628-2512 
Sakina Gerhard - Taser/ Medical/Bias-Based Policing  707-546-2942
Ben Saari - Police Brutality Research  707-758-0197
Contact: Santa Rosa October 22nd Coalition to Stop Police Brutality  (707) 546-2942  | (707) 
546-2942 | (707) 758-0197  |  (602) 628-2512