William M. Johnson {BJ}
“Light the Fire! Light the Fire! Our people must be organized

Light the Fire!” David Brothers--June 25, 2007- December 25, 1919


Celebrate and defend the legacy of the Black Panther Party:

Drop the charges against the SF-8

NYC, Friday, November 30, 7 pm


 Martin Luther King Jr. Labor Center

310 W. 43rd Street (between 8th & 9th Ave.) NYC

Home of 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East



The San Francisco 8 are eight former “original” Black Panther Party members and active supporters, (ages 56 to 72), who were arrested last January in California, New York and Florida on charges related to the 1971 killing of a San Francisco police officer. Some of these men faced virtually identical charges almost 35 years ago—charges that were dropped, after it was revealed that police torture had extracted “confessions” justifying the case.


But that was in 1973. Now that torture has been made acceptable in this country, the case is back on—based on the same flawed evidence.


The judge has released the 6 bail-eligible defendants on bond, suggesting to legal experts that this case is a shaky one.


Two of the 8 defendants are not eligible for bail. They are Political Prisoners Herman Bell and Jalil Muntaqim. Both have already served more than 34 years in New York state prisons. This new case charges them again with actions for which they are already serving time.


Learn more about this case from some of the SF-8 who were able to get bail—and welcome home defendant Cisco Torres, released on bail and now back with his family in Queens, New York.


For Information Contact: Committee to Free the SF-8 (, Local 1199  (, (Malcolm X Grassroots Movement (

The Jericho Movement ( or call: (646) 246-0770


Join us in supporting the SF-8—and defend the history of all our struggles for justice.


Sponsors so far: Local 1199, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, NY State Taskforce for Political Prisoners, the Jericho Movement, Resistance in Brooklyn, Pro Libertad, Safiya Bukhari/Nuh Washington Foundation, Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition (NYC), Campaign to End the Death Penalty, NYCABC, Frances Goldin, Gabnet