Sending this along to old comrades, as it perhaps falls upon those who struggled along side Smitty, got on with our lives while clinging to some semblance of resistance, commitment, refusing to resign our spirits to the transition to irrelevancy that Time ultimately imposes upon the flesh to deal with the mournful ceremonies the living require to bury their hearts - each time a part of their fiery youth flickers and dies.  Perhaps folks should consider Smitty's cantankerous spirit and dedicate observance of his transition to confronting the BS we all have accepted as part of the Black political landscape.... Just sayin' my thoughts.



Peace Everyone,

     On Saturday evening we received news from Mrs. Smith that our brother "Smitty," original member of the BPP, has taken a turn for the worse in battle with cancer, and the condition is terminal. She asked that we inform the inividuals and organizations  that knew Smitty and worked with him. If anyone wishes to visit Bro. Smitty, he is now at the VA Medical Center- 385 Tremont Avenue, Orange, New Jersey. Ask for Mark Smith on the 9th floor. We will keep evryone updated on the situation.





Dhoruba DBW