Saturday, January 16th, 2010 - 3pm to 7pm

Martin Luther King, Jr. Labor Center, 1199 Union HQ

310 W. 43rd Street, bet. 8th & 9th Ave, New York, NY 10036

The Malcolm X Commemoration Committee

& 1199 SEIU Activists


The 14th Annual Dinner Tribute to the Families

of Political Prisoners & Prisoners of War

with keynote speakers: Professor James Small & Pam Africa

Ralph Poynter with Lynne Stewart updates & cultural presentations


 This Tribute allows our community to acknowledge the commitment and many sacrifices that our freedom fighters’ and their families have made to our struggle for self-determination, freedom and justice.

Join us as we pay Tribute to our Freedom Fighters and their Families.

Donation: $40/advance reservations ~ $45/at the door ~ Validated Parking $10.

For reservations/more info contact:

Malcolm X Commemoration Committee

PO Box 380~122, Brooklyn, New York 11238

tel: 718-512-5008 ~ email:

All proceeds to benefit political prisoners/prisoners of war represented at the Dinner.