Today is the third day of six-term Congresswoman and '08 presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney's California tour. Last night Kathleen Cleaver came to hear her at Chuco's in Inglewood! Tonight she'll speak in Leimert Park in Los Angeles, then come to the Bay Area Wednesday and Thursday:

  • Tuesday, April 23: The Kaos Network, 4343 Leimert Blvd, Los Angeles, 6:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday, April 24: The Laney College Forum, 900 Fallon St., Oakland, 6:30 p.m.
  • Thursday, April 25: Arlene Francis Center, 99 Sixth St., Santa Rosa, 6:30 p.m.

I hope you've heard and read some of the many exciting interviews with Cynthia. Davey D's, broadcast on KPFA's Hard Knock Radio yesterday, is at; it starts 21 minutes in. Terry Collins will interview her tonight on his 10 p.m. show on KPOO 89.5FM or I know you'll enjoy JR's interview, Cynthia McKinney tours Cali wit’ her new book ‘Ain’t Nothing Like Freedom’, and Ann Garrison's, Cynthia McKinney on Obama, Africa and fake change.

You'll find plenty of copies of Cynthia's new book (below) as well as "The Illegal War on Libya," published last fall. If you can't come to one of the events but would like a book or two, email me at with your name and mailing address and make a $20 donation at Cynthia will autograph your book with your name, and I'll mail it to you.

For me, listening to Cynthia McKinney is inspiring, motivating, empowering. She makes me wonder, is there anything we CAN'T do?! Cynthia looks forward to meeting her '08 supporters and the many whose causes she's championed for a lively discussion and lots of hugs!

Mary Ratcliff
SF Bay View
(415) 671-0789

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Green Party Candidate for President 2008, and former Congresswoman


    ‘Cynthia McKinney’s passion to bring about social and political change through peace and politics is very inspirational to all who have the honor, like myself, of knowing her or will come to know her by reading something of her life in this challenging book.’ -
                                     Mairead Corrigan MaGuire, Nobel Peace Laureate,1976  

"McKinney, an extremely realistic and well-informed person, unlike anyone in Washington or the media, remains confident that truth and justice will prevail.. America and the Constitution will be safe the day Cynthia McKinney or a similar person is president of the United States."  excerpt from "Cynthia McKinney on Leadership"by PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS, former Asst. Sescretary, US Treasury  



by Mike Ruppert / 9

The Third Time Must Be the Charm! / 14

Chapter One
The Life I Live / 22

Chapter Two
From a Different Culture / 32

Chapter Three
How to Steal an Election / 42

Chapter Four
Overseeing the Pentagon / 46

Chapter Five
What Hurricane Katrina Exposed / 60

Chapter Six
America the Beautiful / 70

Chapter Seven
A Global View / 81

Chapter Eight
The U.S./World Conference on Racism Fiasco / 107

Chapter Nine
Tree Shakers and Jelly Makers / 122

Chapter Ten
The Politics of Love and Hate / 132

Chapter Eleven
Election Protection / 149
Chapter Twelve
No Rainbows Without Rain / 153

Chapter Thirteen
Running for President in 2008 / 158

Chapter Fourteen
Stone Mountain, Israel and Gaza / 178

Chapter Fifteen
Racism Where You Least Expect It / 204

Chapter Sixteen
I’m Still Grieving / 207

Chapter Seventeen
The Power of Organizing / 212

Chapter Eighteen
It Doesn’t End Here / 218


Appendix I:
Letter to Clinton on U.S. Foreign Policy in Africa / 231

Appendix II:
Letter to George W. Bush on the Congo /235

Appendix III:
Statement, Joint Sub-Committee Hearing on Sudan / 238

Appendix IV: Statement:  
UN Commission on Human Rights / 242

Appendix V:
McKinney v. The Atlanta Constitution et al. / 246

Appendix VI:
Gus Savage: AIPAC Campaign Funding to Defeat
Candidates Critical of Israel / 257

Appendix VII:
Legal Complaint on Crossover Voting / 274


Available from:

Clarity Press, Inc.


(USA) SCB Distributors

(UK-Europe) Marston Books

(Middle East/North Africa) Ciel Distribution

(Malaysia/Singapore) G.B. Gerakbudaya Books

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and from Ingram, Baker & Taylor,

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ISBN:   978-0-9853353-1-1.
$19.95   279 pp.  2013

ebook $15.00
ISBN: 978-0-9860362-1-7



Elected six times to the House from the state of Georgia,
Cynthia McKinney cut a trail through Congressional deceit
like a hot ember through ash.

She discovered legislators who passed laws without
reading them. Party leaders who colluded across party
lines against their constituents' interests. Black-skinned
individuals shilling for the white status quo.

She excoriated government lassitude over Hurricane
Katrina, uncovering dark secrets. She held the only critical
Congressional briefing on 9/11, introducing counter-
testimony of scholars, investigators, former intelligence

As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, she
held Rumsfeld to account for malfeasance by military
contractors and missing billions in the Pentagon’s budget.
Then she hammered him on the reasons for the failure of
NORAD air defenses on 9/11.

She read truth into the Congressional Record, held town
halls and hearings, led protests, showed up while others
played along to get along, took the side of the people
against the will of the Party. And when she got too truth
seeking and speaking, the Republicans rigged the
Democratic primaries to boot her out, leaving behind a trail
of achievements mostly won singlehandedly as a result of
her service on the House International Relations, House
Agriculture, House Armed Services, and Budget
Committees and the Select Committee on Hurricanes
Katrina and RElected six times to the House from the state of Georgia,
Cynthia McKinney cut a trail through Congressional deceit
like a hot ember through ash.

She discovered legislators who passed laws without
reading them. Party leaders who colluded across party
lines against their constituents' interests. Black-skinned
individuals shilling for the white status quo.

She excoriated government lassitude over Hurricane
Katrina, uncovering dark secrets. She held the only critical
Congressional briefing on 9/11, introducing counter-
testimony of scholars, investigators, former intelligence

As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, she
held Rumsfeld to account for malfeasance by military
contractors and missing billions in the Pentagon’s budget.
Then she hammered him on the reasons for the failure of
NORAD air defenses on 9/11.

She read truth into the Congressional Record, held town
halls and hearings, led protests, showed up while others
played along to get along, took the side of the people
against the will of the Party. And when she got too truth
seeking and speaking, the Republicans rigged the
Democratic primaries to boot her out, leaving behind a trail
of achievements mostly won singlehandedly as a result of
her service on the House International Relations, House
Agriculture, House Armed Services, and Budget
Committees and the Select Committee on Hurricanes
Katrina and     Elected six times to the House from the state of Georgia,
Cynthia McKinney cut a trail through Congressional deceit
like a hot ember through ash.

She discovered legislators who passed laws without
reading them. Party leaders who colluded across party
lines against their constituents' interests. Black-skinned
individuals shilling for the white status quo.

She excoriated government lassitude over Hurricane
Katrina, uncovering dark secrets. She held the only critical
Congressional briefing on 9/11, introducing counter-
testimony of scholars, investigators, former intelligence

As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, she
held Rumsfeld to account for malfeasance by military
contractors and missing billions in the Pentagon’s budget.
Then she hammered him on the reasons for the failure of
NORAD air defenses on 9/11.

She read truth into the Congressional Record, held town
halls and hearings, led protests, showed up while others
played along to get along, took the side of the people
against the will of the Party. And when she got too truth
seeking and speaking, the Republicans rigged the
Democratic primaries to boot her out, leaving behind a trail
of achievements mostly won singlehandedly as a result of
her service on the House International Relations, House
Agriculture, House Armed Services, and Budget
Committees and the Select Committee on Hurricanes
Katrina and Rita Elected six times to the House from the state of Georgia,
Cynthia McKinney cut a trail through Congressional deceit
like a hot ember through ash.

She discovered legislators who passed laws without
reading them. Party leaders who colluded across party
lines against their constituents' interests. Black-skinned
individuals shilling for the white status quo.

She excoriated government lassitude over Hurricane
Katrina, uncovering dark secrets. She held the only critical
Congressional briefing on 9/11, introducing counter-
testimony of scholars, investigators, former intelligence

As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, she
held Rumsfeld to account for malfeasance by military
contractors and missing billions in the Pentagon’s budget.
Then she hammered him on the reasons for the failure of
NORAD air defenses on 9/11.

She read truth into the Congressional Record, held town
halls and hearings, led protests, showed up while others
played along to get along, took the side of the people
against the will of the Party. And when she got too truth
seeking and speaking, the Republicans rigged the
Democratic primaries to boot her out, leaving behind a trail
of achievements mostly won singlehandedly as a result of
her service on the House International Relations, House
Agriculture, House Armed Services, and Budget
Committees and the Select Committee on Hurricanes
Katrina and Rita
But McKinney rose again like a Phoenix, answering the call
to run as 2008 Green Party candidate for President,
challenging the corrupt two-party stranglehold on
American democracy. Then it was on to the Freedom
Flotilla to Gaza, to be seized on the high seas and
imprisoned in Israel. On to Tripoli, to serve as witness to
the NATO terror bombing of Libya. On to Malaysia to serve
on the War Crimes Commission...

Often introduced as the Sojourner Truth, the Harriet
Tubman of our age, McKinney reflects here on the Biblical
figures of Esther, Deborah and Naomi.

This is the Cynthia McKinney saga as it stands to date--
what she saw, what she learned, and how she fought for


Cynthia McKinney is an internationally renowned peace advocate and human rights activist. She began this important work on Day One of her political life and hasn’t looked back. With her opinions, actions, and even her sense of style, McKinney has inspired both admiration and controversy. In 1988, McKinney won a House seat in the Georgia Legislature against all odds. She was the first African-American woman to represent Atlanta and Fulton County in an at-large district in Georgia’s history. She became a household name when she challenged the state’s leadership to abide by the Voting Rights Act and grant fair representation to all of Georgia’s residents, including the more than 30% who are of African descent. She appealed directly to the United States Justice Department and won. In 1991, speaking from the "well" of the Georgia House of Representatives, she made national headlines when she challenged President George Herbert Walker Bush’s decision to make war against Iraq. Despite the vilification by the state’s pro-war establishment, her voice for justice and peace was heard by the people.


In 1992, McKinney won a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives in a newly created district, drawn from Atlanta to Savannah. Again, Cynthia made history by becoming the first African-American woman to represent Georgia in the U.S. Congress. Cynthia voted against every war-funding bill put before her. During her tenure, her district was re-drawn several times and re-numbered. McKinney protested the new boundaries, but was still reelected to the seat until the pro-Israel Lobby targeted her because of her support for peace in Palestine. After 11 September 2001, McKinney stated that based on her readings, the President had received warnings and that the matter deserved independent investigation. The criticism she received as a result, combined with being targeted by the pro-Israel lobby, contributed to her defeat in the 2002 election; however, she ran for the seat again and was re-elected in 2004. Once again in Congress, McKinney was a vocal critic of the government’s response to Hurricane Katrina. Cynthia introduced legislation to release the documents related to the murders of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Tupac Shakur. She was the first Member of Congress to file Articles of Impeachment against President George W. Bush and Cynthia was forced out of Congress once more in 2007 when she was targeted for defeat, again, by donations from pro-Israel contributors that flooded into her opponent’s campaign coffers. Late in 2007, Cynthia became a Green Party Presidential Candidate. Cynthia won the Green Party nomination for U.S. President and in 2008 ran for President.


In December 2008, Cynthia made international headlines when the Free Gaza boat she was aboard was rammed by the Israeli military as she was attempting to deliver medical supplies to the people of Gaza during Israel’s Operation Cast Lead. Cynthia and her fellow humanitarian activists, rescued by Lebanon, never made it to Gaza. In 2009, Cynthia attempted to reach Gaza again, this time armed with crayons, coloring books, and school supplies for the children. She and her fellow human rights workers became the Free Gaza 21 after their boat was overtaken in international waters by the Israeli military and they were kidnapped to Israel. Cynthia spent 7 days in an Israeli prison. Finally, Cynthia entered Gaza by land in July 2009 with George Galloway’s 250-volunteer-strong Viva Palestina, USA.


In 2011, Cynthia led a DIGNITY Delegation of alternative and independent journalists to Libya while US and NATO bombs, laced with poisons including depleted uranium, targeted civilian populations. She then edited The Illegal War on Libya (Clarity Press, 2012). Afterward, she completed a successful 29-city peace tour in the United States and Canada to promote a more peaceful U.S. foreign policy. Cynthia now travels the world speaking out on human rights, nature’s rights, and peace while she completes her studies toward obtaining a Ph.D.